Well, anyway, this item is new to the series, and it's quite welcomed in the Smash community. I personally don't care too much for items, and haven't used them in years with Melee, though the recent projectiles and assist characters are actually making me want to go back to them! When you come into possession of this item, you're body will be consumed in flames. It's not very admirable to see your favorite character doing this to him or herself, though it's funny none the less.
Once this happens, you'll be able to shoot flames from your mouth, and presumably harm others just by touching them, or atleast give your opponent more damage when you attack them. One image showed Diddy kicking Yoshi, thus bringing flames across the poor dinosaur, probably implying that you can give much more damage once you do this.
The director also confirmed that you'll be able to do combos that you are otherwise not able to do, which in my book is pretty sweat.
Sadly, this isn't a Metroid update as I had hoped (seeing how Corruption is being shipped out today here in the US), but is rather a Kirby item. Thankfully, this is a pretty sweat item, though not nearly as cool as the cracker launcher, pitfall or Franklin's Badge... but close!
It should also be noted that it was hinted at the Fire Flower returning, hence the director said "[the Superspicy Curry] is different from the flames of the Fire Flower". I never cared too much for the item though, so it doesn't really effect me!

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