Saturday, August 25, 2007
Microsoft officially not going to E for All
well, it was all speculation until now - Microsoft, along with Sony, will not appear at E for All. Nintendo is set in stone about going (they are), and so is EA, Konami, THQ, Namco Bandai, etc...
Hitman movie release date announced...
IGN just got the beef on the official new release date of the game to movie adaption of Hitman. It was originally going to be released on October 12 of this year, though has been pushed back about a month and will be released on November 21.
Alien vs. Predator 2 trailer
The first trailer for AvP 2 has been released, and my opinion - it looks like a stylized version of a crappy SciFi chanel film that has a much better production value though pretty much the same writers and story makers. If you want to check it out then click on the link below -
The final (Stan Lee created) Fantastic Four comic

Three days until corruption
Just thought I'd remind you all that Metroid 3: Corruption is coming out in 3 days. I know that you all probably know this already, though just incase you didn't, I've got you covered!
Some new Nitrobike information
I don't know why, but the game is making me excited. It's made by the guys who made Excitebike 64, which I don't know about anyone else, but I personally enjoyed it. Well, the company has released some new information...
*To increase your "Nitro meter" you'll have to perform tricks.
*In all there are 42 challenges.
*A great 6 player online mode, and four player split-screen mode for those at home.
*Career mode includes 9 championships, race against Elimination, and more.
*To increase your "Nitro meter" you'll have to perform tricks.
*In all there are 42 challenges.
*A great 6 player online mode, and four player split-screen mode for those at home.
*Career mode includes 9 championships, race against Elimination, and more.
Rumor: 3-D-enabled PS3 coming next year?
Rumor has it that Mitsubishi and Sony are teaming up to create video games that are 3-D enabled. It is 100% certain that the two are talking with each other, and it's pretty clear that this is very possible. Apparently Mitsubishi is already creating a program that can change 2-D movies into 3-D easily, and (this is quoting the company) they say that BLu-Ray users will be able to use this by early 2008.
Friday, August 24, 2007
And that's a wrap for today.
I didn't post as much as I usually do, and for that I'm sorry. Maybe it was just a slow news day, or maybe I was out of it. I did spend a couple hours playing Castlevania, so that's probably why...
Wolverine: Orgins #16 sells out
While you may still be able to find it at a comic book store, Marvel has announced that every copy has left Diamond, the company's distributer. This appears to be the second one this week, after Marvel made the announcement that Halo: Uprising #1 ended up selling out in less than 24 hours.
Halo 3 news
Over at this years Games Convention, Bungie revealed some new information for their upcoming game Halo 3...
*The Heroic and Legendary difficulties are apparently harder than ever, and Bungie recommends the experienced players to play on these rather than normal... thank you, but I'll be playing on eaaasy.
*Cool new multiplayer customization option that allows you to make your own weapons with its own features.
*New mode called Forge allows you to edit a lot in the multiplayer stages.
*The Heroic and Legendary difficulties are apparently harder than ever, and Bungie recommends the experienced players to play on these rather than normal... thank you, but I'll be playing on eaaasy.
*Cool new multiplayer customization option that allows you to make your own weapons with its own features.
*New mode called Forge allows you to edit a lot in the multiplayer stages.
First image of Alien vs. Predator 2
Bioshock creator says no PS3 version of game
While we all pretty much knew this, the Bioshock creator once again confirmed that there are no "secret plans" for a Bioshock on the PS3.
"I promise you, there is no secret plan about the PS3 that we're keeping from people. There's no PS3 development going on that we're hiding. There's lots of stuff that gets into game code, plans change over time and we got an exclusive deal with Microsoft ... that's not a Rosetta Stone discovery." - Bioshock creator Ken Levine
"I promise you, there is no secret plan about the PS3 that we're keeping from people. There's no PS3 development going on that we're hiding. There's lots of stuff that gets into game code, plans change over time and we got an exclusive deal with Microsoft ... that's not a Rosetta Stone discovery." - Bioshock creator Ken Levine
World War Hulk: X-Men #3 official preview

"The brutal conclusion! Hulk vs. the Juggernaut and whatever X-Men are left standing in a battle that will have lasting consequences for one of the combatants!
Don't miss all of the brutal action as the Hulk attempts to capture Charles Xavier. Can anyone actually stop him?
- Marvel"
More preview images here!
First anniversary of Pluto being a dwarf planet.
Aww, I'm sure every single person on this real planet remembers the infamous day when Pluto was officially classified as a dwarf planet...
Ang Lee's new film gets an NC-17
The infamous director who nearly killed my love for the Hulk just made a new movie that got an NC-17 rating. Obviously, this isn't good for the director or the film or the studio who's distributing it, but to tell the truth - I couldn't care less. If you must know, it got such a rating because of scenes with oral sex, full frontal nudity, yada yada yada...
Anchorwoman show dies after one stupid episode
Well, I guess I shouldn't judge a show that I've never seen, but the fact that after one episode FOX (this is Fox, mind you, the chanel with beyond crappy crap) kills off the show after obtaining some of the worst review scores any show could possibly get... well, if you somehow liked it, then you can watch the four unaired shows online some time...
Another bad Heavenly Sword score...
Edge just gave Heavenly Sword, which we all know as one of the most anticipated PS3 games, a 6/10... Yikes, this really isn't good! First PSM and now Edge...
The big three games - Lair, Heavenly Sword, and Warhawk don't seem to be doing too good...
The big three games - Lair, Heavenly Sword, and Warhawk don't seem to be doing too good...
The World's would be tallest building

If built, it could house 1 million people in over 800 floors! However, it's just a tiny bit pricey at around $300 or $900 billion dollars... Obviously don't expect to ever see this in your life time, though Japan is saying it might possibly be made...
Two new Virtual Console games up... for Australia
The Aussies get two pretty good new games today - Wrecking Crew and Neutopia. No matter what people say about the former game, I think it's pretty good....
Bentendo64: The greatest Mario game?

Super Mario Sunshine, to some, is a great game. I'm one of those people who trully enjoy the game and can jump in whenever I want and play. I'm not ashamed to say that I actually enjoy Super Mario Sunshine more than Super Mario 64... You may think I'm crazy, but just hear me out - When Super Mario 64 was released, obviously it could be, and probably was considered the greatest game of all time... I know I thought it was. Though the simple fact is Super Mario Sunshine has way better physics and if I had a choice to either play 64 or Sunshine, I'd actually go with the later.
Super Mario Bros. 3 is surprisingly one game that stands up to even today's standards. It has great gameplay for not even an NES game, but for any game all together. It blows the other two in the series way out of the water, and the secrets are plentiful and great. It also includes some of the greatest suits that Mario ever put on - the Raccoon Suit, frog, hammer bro., and the list goes on! Still, Super Mario World is just so much better than number 3 in my opinion. I could play SMW all day long and not get bored - while I just can't say that with SMB3. The music, suits, physics, enemies, levels - everything is what a Mario game should be...
I would include Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, though the very fact is, even if it include's Mario's name in there, I just can't say it's a true Mario game seeing that Yoshi's the star. But still - it's one of my favorite platforms on any console, and on some days I even consider it to be better than any other Mario game listed...
New Super Mario Bros. was an instant classic, though still, not as good as Super Mario World in my opinion, so it's out of the list.
So it comes down to two games - The side-scroller Super Mario World and the 3-D game Super Mario Sunshine. I'm sure no one expected the later to be on my list, though it is. Sunshine included great physics, lovable new characters, and a great new mechanic where you could hover above the air with FLUDD. Super Mario World on the other hand introduced Yoshi and the cape, the former being one of the most popular characters in the video game universe to date. Though as aforementioned I'm not basing this on what the game gave us but on how fun it is. And you know what - Everything in Super Mario World is mighty fiine and perfectly executed. The challenges are great and the amount of secrets and levels are just outstanding. This probably comes to know surprise, but in my opinion, and probably thousands of other gamers, Super Mario World is the greatest Mario game of all time. Now, if you're woundering where the others go in, then I'll put up a list -
1. Super Mario World
2. Super Mario Sunshine
3. Super Mario Bros. 3
4. New Super Mario Bros.
5. Super Mario 64
Halo: Uprising #1 sold out in less one day
Marvel just announced that it's new comic Halo: Uprisng #1 has sold out in less than a day over at Diamond. I really didn't care to much for it, though I'm sure a lot of you did. All Brian Bendis, the writer, had to say about it was "yay!"....
PAX to start in one hour
Or, atleast one hour and nineteen minutes! So get ready for... eh, no news, but a lot of fun!
Manhunt 2 get's an M rating from the ESRB
The ESRB just brought down the rating of Manhunt 2 from an AO to an M, which means the game can be released now on the Wii, PS2, and PSP. It's also been confirmed that all three virsions will be released on October 31st in America...
Smash Bros. Brawl update - Petey Piranha boss
Thursday, August 23, 2007
American Gladiators coming back
Who here remembers the American Gladiators show from the past? Well, it's coming back to NBC, who's saying that it'll be bigger, faster, and better than before... well, I'm oddly looking forward to this show, becasue I used to watch it when it was on TV...
Halo live action short leaked online! Watch it before it's removed!
Alright, the film below is apparently a scene from the movie. And as always it someone brought in a camera and filmed it. Obviously this will be removed soon, so be sure to watch it!!!
Highschool Musical 3 news
Just for the record - I really don't like the movies... I'm not afraid to admit that I've seen both... and hated both...
Anyway, apparently the two main stars of the series will only do Highschool Musical 3 if they get more money than offered. It should be noted that the movie will hit theaters, while the other two were just made-for-TV.
I don't think they deserve an upgrade in cash for doing such a crappy job at acting...
Anyway, apparently the two main stars of the series will only do Highschool Musical 3 if they get more money than offered. It should be noted that the movie will hit theaters, while the other two were just made-for-TV.
I don't think they deserve an upgrade in cash for doing such a crappy job at acting...
Official Hellblazer #234 preview

Written by Andy Diggle
Art by Leonardo Manco
Cover by Lee Bermejo
Part 1 of the new 4-part story "Joyride." South London's Hunger Hill housing estate has long been a breeding ground for violence, crime and drug abuse. But when the cycle of misery takes a distinct turn for the supernatural, John Constantine discovers there's something worse at play than mere social deprivation. Much worse...
Plus, don't miss a 7-page preview of the new Vertigo series UN-MEN!
On sale August 29th o 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US o MATURE READERS"
More preview images here!
New "Marvel Presents" images
I don't know if I've reported on this yet, though this is a new series that will start in September of this year. The concept of it is that it'll feature stories for characters who currently don't have their own comics. If that's the case, then why the heck do I see Captain America, Spider-Man, Daredevil, Hulk and the Thing in the picture below???

More information and preview images here!

More information and preview images here!
Oh crap - another bust for PS3: Heavenly Sword
So, Heavenly Sword was supposed to be the biggie for PS3 while you wait for you're MGS4, as was, in a way Warhawk (which, as reported earlier, got a 6.5 from PSM). Well, IGN just reviewed the game and gave it a 7/10. Now, that may not seem like a horrible grade, though they gave the gameplay a 6/10.
This is obviously bad news for Sony...
But, don't worry, Play gave it a 10... though then again Play is a S@*% magazine that gave Wario: MoD a 9 and Super Paper Mario a 7...
This is obviously bad news for Sony...
But, don't worry, Play gave it a 10... though then again Play is a S@*% magazine that gave Wario: MoD a 9 and Super Paper Mario a 7...
Rumor - Kingdom Hearts Wii to be shown at TGS
Note that this is just a rumor folks, but the-bell-tree.com is reporting that a Kingdom Hearts game will be revealed over at TGS. It'd be great to see a KH for Wii, and I'm really hoping that this rumor ends up being true, because I loved the first two, and sort-of-liked Chain of Memories.
New Youtube comment system
I'm sure that every person on planet Earth knows that Youtube has some of the worst people commenting on their website. Well, thankfully they have a new system (similar to Digg's) where you can give the comments thumbs up or thumbs down. If a comment get's a certain amount of thumbs down, then that comment won't be shown unless you want it to.
Way to go Youtube!
Way to go Youtube!
New picture of one of Saturn's moons
New Xboxes to be released this Fall with less heat
News is going around saying that come this Fall, Microsoft plans to release the Xbox Falcon, which is essintially the Xbox 360 with only 65-nonmeter chips rather than 90, meaning not only cheaper to make units, but also less heat to be released out of them.
No word on the exact date they'll be shipping, sadly...
No word on the exact date they'll be shipping, sadly...
Another theme park rumor
This one coming in from Six Flags over Texas though. Apparently the company is planing on making a new indoor ride, though no word on what type it'd be. It should be noted that on the 21st of this month the bumper cars ride over at the park closed, and it's possible that that's where the new ride could be located. If that's the case, then don't expect anything fantastic such as a new roller coaster or fume ride, seeing that it'd be in a tight space.
Rumor - Ratatoullie roller coaster for Disney's Hollywood Studios
This one I'd say is true - Reports are suggesting that Walt Disney Studios has just approved the creation of a Ratatoullie roller coaster for Disney's Hollywood Studio (MGM). The coaster will apparently be a spinning coaster, and will be based off of the recently opened Crush Coaster in Disney Paris. Construction is expected to start in the next six months, and will be next to the currently in-production Toy Story Mania ride.
It should also be noted that it'll be an indoor ride, if the rumors are true that is.
It should also be noted that it'll be an indoor ride, if the rumors are true that is.
The reason why Paramount switched over to HD-DVD
Well, this was pretty obvious, though now it's confirmed - The reason why Paramount studios have switched exclusively over to Micrsoft's HD-DVD, leaving Blu-Ray, is becasue they were given $150 million.
Video game companies being ignorant - Don't have any plans to attend E for All
A lot of video game companies apparently doesn't realize that E for All is the next E3... possibly even better! Well, according to firingsquad.com, Sony replied to a question saying that they have no plans to attend E for All... also, Microsoft is too undecided. Other companies who have decided NOT to go include SEGA, Midway, Capcom, and NCSoft.
However, have no fear - Plenty of great and notable companies are for sure going to attend, including Nintendo, Konami, EA, THQ, Namco and some others.
However, have no fear - Plenty of great and notable companies are for sure going to attend, including Nintendo, Konami, EA, THQ, Namco and some others.
Crusin for Wii... looks like a GBA game
Kid arrested... after, eh, throwing a sausage
Nintendo characters - R.O.B.
It could be debatable whether or not R.O.B. is a character, though I'd say he is. Now, most probably know R.O.B. from his recent appearance in Mario Kart DS as the final unlockable character, though his history goes waaay back, before even The Legend of Zelda or Metroid were created.
He was an extra that came with every NES that you bought. He was created because Nintendo thought that they could sell more NES units if they add a toy in with it, but they were wrong (the very first test they had with it, a kid was quoted saying -
"This is S*#%!"). However, despite being ultimately a failure, his legacy goes on as he appears in countless video games as a cameo.
His recognizable and charming face is known by most gamers, possibly because they've been playing games for ages, or possibly because he seems to make some sort of appearance in every other Nintendo game that comes out.
Whether it be WarioWare, Mario Kart, Star Fox, Tetris - R.O.B. seems to appear everywhere. Here's the full list, so you know just what I'm talking about - StarTropics, Game Boy Camera, Kirby's Dreamland 3, Star Fox 64, F-Zero GX and AX, most WarioWare games, Pikmin 2, Animal Crossing, Tetris DS, Viewtiful Joe, Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, Mario Kart DS, and the upcoming Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
He was an extra that came with every NES that you bought. He was created because Nintendo thought that they could sell more NES units if they add a toy in with it, but they were wrong (the very first test they had with it, a kid was quoted saying -
"This is S*#%!"). However, despite being ultimately a failure, his legacy goes on as he appears in countless video games as a cameo.
His recognizable and charming face is known by most gamers, possibly because they've been playing games for ages, or possibly because he seems to make some sort of appearance in every other Nintendo game that comes out.
Whether it be WarioWare, Mario Kart, Star Fox, Tetris - R.O.B. seems to appear everywhere. Here's the full list, so you know just what I'm talking about - StarTropics, Game Boy Camera, Kirby's Dreamland 3, Star Fox 64, F-Zero GX and AX, most WarioWare games, Pikmin 2, Animal Crossing, Tetris DS, Viewtiful Joe, Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, Mario Kart DS, and the upcoming Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
More juicy Justice League movie rumors
The latest rumor has come in that says that the upcoming Justice League film will, rather than be live action, will be a motion capture film, such as the upcoming Beowulf movie is.
However, just take this with a grain of salt, seeing that no one has confirmed this yet.
However, just take this with a grain of salt, seeing that no one has confirmed this yet.
DC Comics,
Justice League,
Warner Brothers
Brawl page nearly finished!
A couple days ago I introduced, err, the few readers to a new post - the Super Smash Bros. Brawl post. I claimed that I would try my best to add all the information that we know so far in the post, and just by looking at it, I'm sure you can tell that I'm nearly finished. If I've forgotten something of mild importance, then please tell!
Oh, and here's the page -
Super Smash Bros. Brawl: Everything we know!
Oh, and here's the page -
Super Smash Bros. Brawl: Everything we know!
More Nintendo Power news
A while back Codenamerevolution gave the beef on the Wii news, but, as always, didn't do so for the DS news seeing that they're a console site. Well, here it is -
*Mario Party story (really sucks) - Apparently Bowser invites all of the gang (Mario, Peach, Toad, Yoshi, Wario, Waluigi, Luigi, Daisy) over to his mansion to have a party. The gang, being the gullable group they are, don't expect that Bowser is up to anything and head on over - Well, Bowser ends up shrinking them, and then they, errm, really do start to party... yeah, great!
*A four page preview of Looney Tunes: Duck Amuck included. As expected, it doesn't look really good. In the game you apparently must terroize Daffy... It also included a short, half a page preview of the Looney Tunes Wii game, including some new images.
*Smash Profile - Yoshi
*Some new images of Sonic Rush Adventure released. It's looking pretty good. Shows off a new, touched base boss battle, which is in 3-D.
Overall, this was mostly a Wii issue, so not much was revealed when it comes to DS games...
*Mario Party story (really sucks) - Apparently Bowser invites all of the gang (Mario, Peach, Toad, Yoshi, Wario, Waluigi, Luigi, Daisy) over to his mansion to have a party. The gang, being the gullable group they are, don't expect that Bowser is up to anything and head on over - Well, Bowser ends up shrinking them, and then they, errm, really do start to party... yeah, great!
*A four page preview of Looney Tunes: Duck Amuck included. As expected, it doesn't look really good. In the game you apparently must terroize Daffy... It also included a short, half a page preview of the Looney Tunes Wii game, including some new images.
*Smash Profile - Yoshi
*Some new images of Sonic Rush Adventure released. It's looking pretty good. Shows off a new, touched base boss battle, which is in 3-D.
Overall, this was mostly a Wii issue, so not much was revealed when it comes to DS games...
Register Brain Age 2 and get a rainbow colored Stylus set
A few years ago I remember Nintendo would give you an exclusive, pink colored stylus if you registered Kirby Canvas Curse. I got it, and while "babysitting" someone's kids, they chewed it all up, changed the launguage (from English to Japanese) and color (the girl changed it to pink... if she liked the color so much she should have respected my pink property) of my DS, and, oh yeah -scratched up my DS' screen. If you could guess, I never let them touch the blasted thing again, and when they asked where it was, I replied "I don't know, why don't you swim in the pool?"...

Well, Nintendo's now got a new deal that is seven times better than the previous deal - Nintendo will now give you seven, rainbow colored stylus' if you register Brain Age 2 over at Nintendo's official site...

Well, Nintendo's now got a new deal that is seven times better than the previous deal - Nintendo will now give you seven, rainbow colored stylus' if you register Brain Age 2 over at Nintendo's official site...
Minor video game news
*Izuna: Legend of the Unemployed Ninja, Hoshigami Remix, Heroes of Mana, and Counter Force all announced for Europe.
*FOG has been announced as Nibris' publisher.
*Runaway 2 announced for the Wii.
*Crytek developing something for Wii, but say not to expect anything anytime soon.
*Tony Hawk's Proving Ground will be released on October 9 and will include a playable demo of Guitar Hero III.
*FOG has been announced as Nibris' publisher.
*Runaway 2 announced for the Wii.
*Crytek developing something for Wii, but say not to expect anything anytime soon.
*Tony Hawk's Proving Ground will be released on October 9 and will include a playable demo of Guitar Hero III.
Guitar Hero,
Nintendo DS,
Playstation 2,
Playstation 3,
Tony Hawk,
Xbox 360
300 page iPhone bills no more

Apparently people with iPhones have been getting up to 300 page bills telling them every little thing that they've done - every single website they visited - everything! Well, as you could obviously guess, this p!$$3d off a lot of people, and AT&T (the one's sending them), have just announced that they'll stop shipping them, unless you would oddly want them!
Comic reviews - Amazing Spider-Man #543, Halo: Uprising #1, StarLord #2, Countdown 36, Superman #666

I thought that the conclusion of the Back in Black 5 part arc would be something fantastic. The cover was revealed a while back, and as you can obviously see it got people speculating all over the message boards on what it could mean... well, as it turns out, it's nothing really special, and no where near fantastic. If you've been collecting the five part series so far, then you should obviously get it to finish it, though if not then you should certainly pass then one.
I'm just going right out and saying it, so note that if you are wierd about spoilers, then don't read - Aunt May doesn't die! SHOCKS! A dissapointing issue that looks at how Peter is a criminal, and he goes as far as knocking out a cop... bleh, this one may have been dissapointing - though the next arc - One More Day, certainly WON'T be!

Wow, is this issue really Halo? I read it, and it just didn't feel like a Halo story line to me! Meh, none-the-less the writing and story is okay and the art, while not as good as some of the previuos Halo comics, is still nice. The book was written by Brain Bendis, who is currently being noted as Marvel's main man right now. He's heading both Avengers story, and not to mention Ultimate Spider-Man. He didn't seem to put many, well, you know - words in this issue, which Marvel tends to do a lot. Still, you should check it out if you're 1. A fan of the series and 2. If you're wanting to get a comic that will someday, probably be a collector's item.

Here we go! Last month this was my favorite book, and this month seems to be the same. As mentioned in my review of StarLord #1, it's a shame that this will only be four issues long. The artwork is currently some of my favorite, and the characters are all just so lovable.
Two main characters die in this issue, one certainly, though another might, and probably will come back since you didn't really see him/her/it (not spoiling) die, and while you saw the other one getting blown up.
It's a shame that comics like the two others above will sell out, while this one certainly won't sell nearly all of them, maybe not even half of what the stores get. So please - if you're trying to find a new comic, do yourself a favor and check this (and the previous one) issue out, you (probably) won't be dissapointed.
10/10 (I just had to!)

This issue wasn't horrible like most are, as it actually went somewhere with the storylines. As always, I couldn't care less about the Karate Kid storyline, though the others are pretty good. I really don't care about the art, often times the character models look pretty, ehh, ugly.
Even though some of the story lines can be interesting, I just really don't care about the characters they chose to focus on. The only one that non-fans may even partically recognize is Atom Man, though maybe not even him.

Just as they did with Batman's 666 issue, Superman is also getting a Hell themed one for his 666, and it's not a dissapointment. For those who remember, I really didn't care for Batman #666, and gave it a 6/10. I thought that the same thing would end up happening with this issue, though I was wrong - it's pretty good.
Most of the issue focuses on Superman's dream, and in it he goes mad and starts to kill. I'm not going to spoil it for you and reveal what happens next - you'll just have to read it yourself. But it's pretty interesting. The art was pretty good, oddly my favorite design was the demon near the very end of the comic.
Annihilation: Conquest,
DC Comics,
Castlevania: Order of Shadows announced for Mobiles

The game is set to release on all major mobiles on September 18 of this year.
Project Gotham Racing 4 delayed
But thankfully, not by much. Originally it was slated for an early September release, though it's been pushed back by about a month, and will be released on October in America and ten days later in Europe. The creators said that they just have a few finishing touches they want to add to the game to make it that much better.
Smash Bros. Brawl update - Yoshi's final smash, Smashville music
Today we get two updates, the most notable being Yoshi's final smash, which, mind you, is the coolest thing eva! Once everyone's favorite dino/dragon get's a smash ball, he'll sprout wings... and then, he'll start to fly around shooting fire balls at everyone by the press of a button. You may say "What? Yoshi doesn't have wings and can't blow fire!", well, if you'd say that - you'd be wrong. In Super Mario World, a blue Yoshi could sprout wings if he came in possession of a Koopa Troopa shell, and a green one would if he ate a blue Koopa Troopa shell. And, if you were a red Yoshi, you'd be able to blow fire if you gobbled up a Koopa shell, and if you were a green one you'd be able to do so by collecting a red shell.
Also, Yoshi's flower move is fire in Super Mario 64 DS.

The second update is the music for Smashville, which can be heard over at the website. Fans of the game should really appreciate it!
Also, Yoshi's flower move is fire in Super Mario 64 DS.

The second update is the music for Smashville, which can be heard over at the website. Fans of the game should really appreciate it!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Michael Bay - TOOL
For those who recall, yesterday Michael Bay went out and said he's not going to do Transformers 2 because Paramount refused Blu-Ray. Well, now he made a new post saying that he "drank the kool aid", and then said that he might be back up to doing Transformers 2...
Ehhh - Paris Hilton cartoon... made by Stan Lee?
Yeah, no joke, Stan Lee (Spider-Man, Iron Man, X-Men, Fantastic Four) is apparently creating a cartoon that stars everyone's favorite person to hate - Paris Hilton. However, unlike the truth, Stan says that she's a "charming, likable person. Sophisticated. Great comedic sence. A fine voice. And seriously hard working."
Yeah, right, in Bizzaro World...
Yeah, right, in Bizzaro World...
Youtube gets 10 times worse - ADS
Yes, that's right, go over to Youtube, and chances are you'll be smitten by an ad... This is probably the result of Google having to pay over 1 billion bucks for the site, which will take a looong time to get back, obviously.
Metal Gear Solid 4 trailer!
To check the brand new, super awesome video of the upcoming PS3 game MGS4, click on the link below!
Lions, Tigers and Bears Vol 2, #4 official preview

"BETRAYAL!" Part 4 of 4
"The conclusion to the hit all-ages adventure is here!
Lord Valthraax is on the verge of remaking the Stuffed Animal Kingdom in his own evil image , and only Joey and the Night Pride stand in his way. But with Joey down for the count, and the Night Pride outnumbered by the Beastie army, is there any hope of wresting the castle from Valthraax's evil grip?"
More preview images here!
Casting update for JLA movie
Apparently, casting for the upcoming Justice League of America film will start early next year. Reports are also saying that Brandon Routh and Christian Bale, the stars of Super Man Returns and Batman Begins (respectively), will not be in the film, though they will appear in the sequel to their movies.
DC Comics,
Justice League,
Warner Brothers
Lots of new Halo 3 images
It seems like they're moslty multiplayer images. Check one out below, and the rest of them by clicking on the link!

More here!

More here!
Google Stars
Google Earth has recently become quite popular, so popular that the company has decided to go even further - the stars! Google states that it allows everyone to explore the universe from the comforts of your chair! Apparently you're able to zoom in to galaxies that are hundreds of millions of lightyears away!
I'm going to download it now, and later on I'll add some official pictures once I'm done "travleing the universe"!
I'm going to download it now, and later on I'll add some official pictures once I'm done "travleing the universe"!
World's biggest hand...
Before you scroll down to check out what people are calling the world's biggest hand, just understand that this is not for the faint of heart - It's seriously may make some sick...
Apparently the man below is ready to get surgery, and I can understand - His middle finger is two freakin feet long! I'll add a few spaces just so no one comes to my site and sees his hand first.
Just a little more -
Apparently the man below is ready to get surgery, and I can understand - His middle finger is two freakin feet long! I'll add a few spaces just so no one comes to my site and sees his hand first.
Just a little more -

Call of Duty 4 release date announced
Over at the Game Conference, Activision announced the release date for one of the most anticipated games of the year - Call of Duty 4. November 5th will be the day, so mark your calendars, get a reservation, and drink some pop... mmmm.
First look at Yoshi in Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games

Blazing Angels 2 demo live on... Xbox Live!
A demo for the upcoming Xbox 360 video game Blazing Angels 2 is now up on Xbox Live, so if you're looking forward to the game or are just itching to try something new, then go on and check it out!
Comic reviews - Booster Gold #1, Countdown 37, Ultimate Spider-Man #112
Alright, this is a week late, so I'm sorry. It's sad that I'm writing this as all the new comics are coming out... But none-the-less, it's gotta be done, so here I go-
Booster Gold #1
Booster Gold was a classic Justice League character in my opinion, and while he sadly desides not to join the team in this issue, it's still great to seem him coming back. It still has the classic charm as before, and the characters, including his many greats grandfather (he's from the future, btw), are just perfect for the series. The art isn't perfect, though that doesn't mean it's not brilliant. The writiing, on the other hand, is nearly perfect... Awww, I just loved this issue!
Countdown 37
Last week's issue was one of the few great issues of Countdown, and while I thought that they'd maybe, just maybe continue to be good, this one just isn't! The plot seriously goes no where, and the big "shock" was that someone found out someone's identity, which I trully couldn't care less about. The character featured in the story are just not that great, at first I like the Trickster and Piper, though it's all just a big "meh" now. Oh well....
Ultimate Spider-Man #112
Alright, first thing first, the most important part of this issue is the art for an obvious reason - after 111 issues, the original artist has left, and a new one has come in. Like a lot of people, I was worried it wouldn't be for the better, and like many series (I'm looking at you, Ultimate Fantastic Four), it just goes downhill in terms of art. Thankfully, I like the style of the new artist, and while I wouldn't say it's better than Mark's, I wouldn't say it's worse either.
The story is a beginning of a new arc titled "The Death of a Goblin", which I don't know about you, but I think will be an awesome story. So far, though, the Norman Osborn story didn't go as far as I wanted, though the fact that the cover of next month's issue has the Goblin on it (and nothing else) is a good sign that he'll be a major part (obviously as expected). I also like this Kitty Pryde issue going on with Peter Parker, though I'm sure it'll all just end with Peter going back to Mary Jane.

Booster Gold was a classic Justice League character in my opinion, and while he sadly desides not to join the team in this issue, it's still great to seem him coming back. It still has the classic charm as before, and the characters, including his many greats grandfather (he's from the future, btw), are just perfect for the series. The art isn't perfect, though that doesn't mean it's not brilliant. The writiing, on the other hand, is nearly perfect... Awww, I just loved this issue!

Last week's issue was one of the few great issues of Countdown, and while I thought that they'd maybe, just maybe continue to be good, this one just isn't! The plot seriously goes no where, and the big "shock" was that someone found out someone's identity, which I trully couldn't care less about. The character featured in the story are just not that great, at first I like the Trickster and Piper, though it's all just a big "meh" now. Oh well....

Alright, first thing first, the most important part of this issue is the art for an obvious reason - after 111 issues, the original artist has left, and a new one has come in. Like a lot of people, I was worried it wouldn't be for the better, and like many series (I'm looking at you, Ultimate Fantastic Four), it just goes downhill in terms of art. Thankfully, I like the style of the new artist, and while I wouldn't say it's better than Mark's, I wouldn't say it's worse either.
The story is a beginning of a new arc titled "The Death of a Goblin", which I don't know about you, but I think will be an awesome story. So far, though, the Norman Osborn story didn't go as far as I wanted, though the fact that the cover of next month's issue has the Goblin on it (and nothing else) is a good sign that he'll be a major part (obviously as expected). I also like this Kitty Pryde issue going on with Peter Parker, though I'm sure it'll all just end with Peter going back to Mary Jane.
Booster Gold,
DC Comics,
Wolverine #56 offcial preview

""The Man in the Pit"
Wendell Rayfield is a recently divorced, down on his luck ex-cop who's looking down the business end of 40 with no hope for the future and with demons from his past still haunting him at every turn. All he has going for him is his new job. A job that involves a very large machine gun, a hole in the ground, a certain hirsute mutant and several thousand bullets. We all know what damage Wolverine can do with his claws, but how dangerous can he really be when all he's able to do is talk? Wendell Rayfield is about to find out. Written by up-and-comer Jason Aaron (The Other Side, Scalped), with art by comic book legend Howard Chaykin (Blade, American Flagg!).
48 PGS./Parental Advisory …$3.99"
More images!
Another party game announced for the Wii
Cranium Kabookii, a game based off a board game of the same name, has just been announced by popular gaming company Ubisoft for the Wii. It'll be released worldwide during the holiday season, and is being made in Ubisoft's Quebec company.
Once more information on this multiplayer game is released, I'll do my best to report it.
Once more information on this multiplayer game is released, I'll do my best to report it.
Rock Band announced for the PlayStation 2
While it's already well known that the game will be released on the three next-gen consoles (probably Wii, though not confirmed), no one knew that the highly anticipated game would be released on the still chugging along current gen console - The PlayStation 2.
It'll be released here in America during the Holiday 2007 season, and next year in Europe, along with the other versions of the game.
It'll be released here in America during the Holiday 2007 season, and next year in Europe, along with the other versions of the game.
Xbox Ferris Wheel
Smash Bros. Brawl update - Diddy Kong

Tuesday, August 21, 2007
53 year old... blind lady... in the rain... gets a hole-in-one!
Now, this is what I call the story of the year - A blind, 53 year old lady, in the rain, got a hole-in-one... There's really nothing more I can say about this outstanding story... there really isn't... And if you don't trust me, then check my source -
Official Legion of Super-Heroes #33 preview

"The United Planets blames Cosmic Boy for war crimes! Star Boy and Sun Boy must clear his name. But they'll have to outsmart a certain matter-eating prosecutor and overcome a shocking development on planet Winath that threatens Lightning Lad's family.
- Marvel"
More images here!
Minor video game news...
*EA signs up for E for All conference.
*BioShock on PS3 rumors are still coimng, this time with the word PS3 found in some coding.
*Guild Wars sells 4 million copies.
*Mafia 2 officially announced by 2K Games.
*Atari Classics Evolved for PSP announced, and will include over 70 classic Atari games.
*Miami Nights: Single City announced for the Nintendo DS, to be made by Gameloft and published by Ubisoft.
*Rumor - The Killers' "When You Were Young" and Santana's "Black Magic Woman" have been shown on the back of Guitar Hero III's pre-order box, suggesting they're in the game.
*Nintendo of Europe confirmed to publish Capcom's Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure (Wii) and Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice (Nintendo DS).
*New International Track & Field announced for Nintendo DS, will be a game by Konami
*Nintendo to appear at Penny Arcade Expo this year.
*The Secret of the Spirit Island announced for Nintendo DS.
*BioShock on PS3 rumors are still coimng, this time with the word PS3 found in some coding.
*Guild Wars sells 4 million copies.
*Mafia 2 officially announced by 2K Games.
*Atari Classics Evolved for PSP announced, and will include over 70 classic Atari games.
*Miami Nights: Single City announced for the Nintendo DS, to be made by Gameloft and published by Ubisoft.
*Rumor - The Killers' "When You Were Young" and Santana's "Black Magic Woman" have been shown on the back of Guitar Hero III's pre-order box, suggesting they're in the game.
*Nintendo of Europe confirmed to publish Capcom's Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure (Wii) and Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice (Nintendo DS).
*New International Track & Field announced for Nintendo DS, will be a game by Konami
*Nintendo to appear at Penny Arcade Expo this year.
*The Secret of the Spirit Island announced for Nintendo DS.
Guild Wars,
Guitar Hero,
Nintendo DS,
Playstation 3,
Xbox 360
Yikes! Warhawk gets a 6.5/10 from PSM
Sony pretty much claimed that it'd be the best game to use their Siaxis controller... but I guess they were wrong! PSM, which, mind you, is an exclusive PlayStation only magazine, gave the highly anticipated game a grade of 6.5/10... It's kind of sad, because I was looking forward to it...
Rumors regarding the Dark Knight
People have been speculating who Anthony Hall will be playing in the upcoming sequel to Batman Begins. Well, HollywoodChicago.com seems to know, and they say that he "plays an investigative reporter for the GCN", and that he becomes pretty jealous of Bruce Wayne. They also say that the budget for the movie is $200 million, rather than the reported $150 million.
Custom made Super Mario World level
The following is a clip found over at collegehumor.com showing a custom made Super Mario World level where you don't have to do anything at all to beat (well, maybe a few things...). Check it out!
Madame Mirage #2 preivew

From Top Cow -
"Superstar writer Paul Dini (DC COUNTDOWN, LOST) brings a brand new character in Madame Mirage to Top Cow!
Hollywood's elite have gathered to party the night away at the fabulous Kelly Mansion. But this season's soiree is going to take a deadly turn when Madame Mirage crashes the party. But will the hunter become the prey when Mirage encounters Mousetrap?
Dini and dynamic new talent, Kenneth Rocafort (HUNTER-KILLER) dive deeper into a unique story of murder, revenge, and deceit. Madame Mirage – you'll never forget her… if you can make her acquaintance and live to tell the tale…
Full Color 32 pages $2.99 continuing series"
More images here!
Bioshock now out!
Bioshock has now been released. This is one to seriously check out if you have a 360, as it's been getting nearly perfect scores from almsot all critics. I don't have the cash to get it right now, but once I do...
Japanese arcade game that breaks your arm

Well, it was now recalled becaue, you know, it broke three people's arms.
European release dates for Super Mario Galaxy, Endless Ocean, and RE: UC
Europe now has official release dates for Super Mario Galaxy (November 16), Endless Ocean (November 9), and Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles (November 30). It was all announced over at this year's Game Convention.
Transformers 2 no more
Well, atleast from Michael Bay, who just stated on his message board that because Paramount isn't going to release their movies on Blu-Ray, he's not going to do a sequel to Transformers. What a whiney little brat he is...
Everything we know about Super Smash Bros. Brawl...
So much information for Super Smash Bros. Brawl is being released each week, and so I thought it'd be appropriate to make a post showing all of the info released. I'll add it to the special features for easy access, and will update as much as I can. Note that it may take a while until I'm finished completely, so be patient!

Mario is an all around character who is great for beginers. So far it can be confirmed that most of his attacks from Melee will make a come back, such as his fire balls. His final smash is quite incredible - He becomes engulfed in flames, and then shoots out a massive burst of fire all across the stage, heavily attacking anything in his way.
Link, the hero of time, is back and ready to fight! He has all of his popular weapons with him - his sword, bombs, gale boomerang, hero's bow, and hookshot. Also coming back is his spin attack, though now you'll be able to charge it up. His gale boomerange will cause a twister, and the hookshot will aim for ledges, rather than just going forward. Link's final smash seems to damage only one player - A triforce will surround his opponent, and then Link will jump up toward him and rapidly slash with his sword.
Kirby has the ability to suck in his opponents and steal their powers. He wields a sword and a hammer, and he's also able to perform rapid fire attacks toward his enemies. It can be conclusive that most, if not all of his attacks from Melee will make a return. While it hasn't been confirmed, a possible final smash has been shown in the first video game was released at E3 2006 where Kirby tosses his enemy in a giant pot and boils them.
By far the most popular of all Pokémon - Pikachu is a master when it comes to using electricity, and his small size allows him to zip past his opponents quickly. When the smash ball comes in his/her possession, an electrified massive ball will surround the yellow creature. Then, you'll be able to move the giant ball around, smashing into enemies. However, it's obviously only for a limited time, so if it goes out while you in the air past the stage, well, see-ya!
Samus Aran
The female bounty hunter with a wide range of weapons is back. While she essentially has the same attacks as before - there's one big difference. Once she uses her final smash, which is a huge (HUGE) laser, the blast will be so powerful that it'll take off her powersuit. Once this happens, you'll play as Zero Suit Samus, whom has completely different weapons, attacks, and probably stats.
Fox McCloud
Fox's design has been slightly changed, with some of the design elements from Star Fox: Command in there. It appears that his special attacks are all stil there, and while the blaster won't make his opponent flinch, it will shoot out rapidly. His reflector is also making a return, which is sort of like a split-second shield that will not only reflect projectiles, but will also harm your opponents if it touches them. No word on what his final smash will be yet.
The always cheerful dinosaur/dragon Yoshi is back! While he seems to be the same as before (other than the great design difference), the director has confirmed what everyone was hoping - Yoshi now has a third jump (in Melee he was one of the only characters not to have one). However, don't think that his egg toss has been tossed out (and yes, pun intended), because it's still there, as is his stickey tounge. Once he gets a final smash ball, he'll sprout wings and will then fly around blowing fire at his opponents, similar to what he could do in Super Mario World (only these two attacks had to be performed seperately).
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong is obviously a heavy hitter, and one of the most powerful characters in the game. His fan favorite attacks are back - The ground smash, and, of course, the one where you can pick up your opponent and walk around with them, and even comit suicide if needed! His final smash references the classic DK Bongo games (which include Donkey Konga 1,2 and 3, and Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat) - Once he gets the smash ball, he'll bring out the bongos from the games, and start pounding on them, which will somehow cause a super powerful ripple in the air that will harm your opponents.
Princess Peach
It doesn't seem like Princess Peach has changed much. However, correct me if I'm wrong but it does seem like her umbrella design has changed slightly. Her attacks from Melee seem to make a return - The Toad, side bumb, and, as stated, her umbrella. No word on what her final smash will be yet.
Princess Zelda
Zelda is known for being a master at magical attacks. Her design is mostly based off of her design from Twilight Princess, but with dirty blonde hair. No word on whether or not she will be able to transform into Shiek. However, Eiji Aonuma, director of multiple Zelda games, stated that the designs for her (and Ganondorf) have been finished, suggesting that she'll be in the game. It's unknown what her final smash will be as of yet.
Apparently Bowser is the heaviest and biggest of all the playable characteres in the game, and you can obviously see why by just looking at him. While it appears that most, if not all of his attacks from Melee are coming back, his final smash may make him one of everyone's favorite characters in the game - It turns him into freakin Giga Bowser, which was one of the hardest bosses in Melee. Giga Bowser is, frankly, HUGE! Probably 3 stories high! Yeah, once he turns into that behemoth... you'll want to run... far away!

Pit was one of the demanded characters that everyone seriously wanted. He's the star of the classic cult classic Kid Icarus, and has the ability to fly! His most notable weapon is his Sacred Bow which can be taken apart and acted as two swords! The arrows shot from the bow can be controlled by the player, similar to Ness' b-up move from Melee. His up move can be guessed - He'll use his wings to soar in the air, though unlike most angelic creatures - he won't be able to stay up there forever! Once Pit obtains the final smash, Palutena, the goddess of light, will appear and will summon an army of Centurions.
The greedy and gluttonous man Wario is joining the fray! He appears in his WarioWare costume, and has a unique set of attacks. When you press b-left/right, Wario will bring out a motorcycle, and will drive it around, ramming into anything in his way. If you're about to go over the ledge, then you can do a 180 to turn around. If you fall off, you're (and anyone else) able to use the hog as a projectile and toss it. Another attack will cause him to pass massive gas - so much of it that he'll be thrusted in the air. It is currently unknown what his final smash will be.
The protagonist of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, Ike is a master swordsmen. He brings his golden sword from the game along, as well as his techniques! His up-b move is Aether - First he'll toss his sword up in the air, jump up to grab it, and smash it back down to the ground. If anyone tries to harm Ike, he won't flinch (though he will take damage). His standard b attack - eruptioin, is a chargable attack where he'll plant is sword in the ground so hard that it will cause flames to burst out. His final smash is currently unknown.
Pokémon Trainer
The Pokémon Trainer is one of the more unique character that appear in the game. For the first time in the series, the character actually doesn't even fight on the stage, but will send in a Pokémon to do his bidding. Which Pokémon is it, you ask? Oh, sorry, that's the wrong question - Which Pokémon are they would be better, seeing that he can send out three different Pokémon, including Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard, three Pokémon from the generation 1 series of Pokémon games. You can easily switch the Pokémon out by pressing b-down, but doing so too often and too little will apparently be bad for them. It's unknown what attacks each Pokémon can do, but expect their stats, attacks, and what not to be completely different from one another.
Meta Knight
The mysterious character from the Kirby series, Meta Knight has for along time been a fan favorite. He seems to play a major part in the game, seeing that in the single player images, his large ship can be seen flying all over the place, attacking the heroes. He seems to be a master at using swords, and when he does so he's rapid fast. He also seems to have a unique guarding move where he shields himself using his cape. He's also able to fly using wings that will pop out, which is quite awesome. His final smash is currently unknown.
Diddy Kong
Donkey Kong's friend from the multiple different DK games. He's quicker than his buddy, and also has two niffty weapons that appeared in the games - The Rocketbarrel Boost and his Peanut Pop Gun. He's also been shown to fight with his fists as well in the shown images. No word on what his final smash will be.
The first third party character to make an appearance in the Super Smash Bros. series. So far, not much is known about Snake, though it does seem like he uses explosives to attack. He's also been seen crawling, though the actual use of doing so is unknown. As of now his final smash is unknown.

The Battlefield is a standard stage with no obstacles. It's just one big platform with three other, small platforms hovering above it, each one (other than the main one) being pass-through platforms. To make the stage not so dull, the time of day will change periodically.
Delfino Plaza
Delfino Plaza from Super Mario Sunshine starts out on a single platform in the air that will circle around the island. It will occasionally drop down in the plaza where you'll have a wider range of places to go, and from the looks of it, it seems like it'll drop in more than one place.
Yoshi's Island
Yoshi's Island has the same style that Super Mario World 2 did, and it looks great! The stage includes one big platform with a smaller pass-through platform above it. In time the season will change - from spring to summer to fall and finally to winter. You'll see multiple enemies from the game in this stage, a list of which can be seen below.
Franchise reps in Yoshi's Island -
*Fly Guy - Fly Guys are Shy Guys that have helicopters on their head, allowing them to fly around. You'll see these guys fly over the stage, and you'll probably be able to attack them like you could in Melee.
*Support Ghost - Support Ghosts are also enemies in SMW2. While they served as both a threat and a supporter in SMW2, they'll just appear as a supporter in Brawl. They'll pop out of the ground in this game and act as an extra platform for you to go on.
*Others - In the background you'll spot goonies and the living flowers pop up, though they don't seem to have any effect on the gameplay what-so-ever, but rather are just there for the theme.
Lylat Cruise
This is obviously a Star Fox stage that takes place on a ship called the Pleiades. It features one main platform, and three pass-through, side-by side platforms above it. Probably the most notable element of this stage is the background, which will change over time from dogfights through an asteroid belt, above a large planet in space, high above inside a planet, and more.
Franchise reps in the Lylat Cruise -
*Arwings - While going through space, you'll often find arwings flying next to, fighting enemy ships.
Eldin Bridge
The Eldin Bridge is taken right out of the recent Wii and Gamecube game The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. It's long and flat, and at first seems peaceful, that is until the Lord Bullbo comes in and starts to attack you! He'll plant bombs down, which will break the bridge, which thus causes a major threat. However, in time the portals above (which were also in the game) will rebuild the bridge. In the background you'll be able to see the Hyrule Castle, a neat addition to the game.
Here's an interesting stage. All it really is is a flat platform with one pass through platform above it. In the background, more and more guests from the classic video games Animal Crossing and Animal Crossing: Wild World, including some favorites such as Tom Nook, K.K. Slider, the mayor, and others. Just like the original games, the time of day (and possibly season) will be determined by your Wii's internal clock.
Rumble Falls
This Donkey Kong stage will bring the Ice Climbers' stage from Melee to mind, though from the looks of it - this ones a lot better! Just like the Ice Climber stage, you just keep climbing and climbing to the top, while obviously fighting your nasty opponents. From the looks of it they're some ladders to help you on the way, though it'll probably be best if you just jump. Once you get beyond the waterfall, there's still some more climbing to do. It's unknown whether there's an end or not, but there probably will be!
This is the Kid Icarus stage - it features one big platform in the middle, three pass through platforms above it and one on the bottom right of it. Beware though - the pass through platforms are easily breakable, so it'd be suggested not to be on the bottom one, as one wrong move and it could break! Don't worry though - in time they'll regenerate.
Caslte Siege
This is a Fire Emblem level, though it's not from any particular game. At first it'll take place on top of the caslte, though it'll start to break, and you'll fall down into the second portion, which takes place in the castle. After that, it'll once more break, though it's currently unknown what lies underneath the second area.
Pokemon Stadium
The Pokemon Stadium in this game seems to be taken directly from Melee. It's unknown whether or not it'll transform into something else as the Melee stage did, though it is probable that it will. So far, not much is known about the stage seeing that an official page hasn't been added to the official site.

Gooey Bomb
The Gooey Bomb is a new item that will attach itself to anything it touches, including yourself or your opponents. Once it gets stuck on someone, he'll have to act quickly to get it off. Once he does, he'll be able to toss it. However, in time, it'll blow up, harming anything in its range. Sometimes it'll even jump off someone to someone else if they walk by.
Cracker Launcher
The Cracker Launcher is another new item. It sort of resembles a missle launcher, but rather than missles it shoots out fireworks... the dangerous kind! It releases the fireworks rapidly, and you'll also be able to aim where they'll go, which is a new addition to the series.
Crates and Barrels
Crates and Barrels are from the two previous games, though there's something quite uniqe about them this time around. While in previous games, crates and barrels looked the same on every stage you go on, in this game their appearance will change depending on what stage you're on. For example, if you're on the Yoshi's Island stage, they'll be presents, and if you're on the Lylat Cruise stage, they'll be metalic to fit in with the futuristic look to it. If you break one, it'll explode and items will fly out of it.
Banana Peel
The Banana Peel seems to be a rather useless item, though none-the-less it'll be fun to use - If someone walks ontop of a tossed banana peel (or possibly even one that just came out of no where), they'll slip and fall, referencing the common cliche that can be found in multiple movies, games, TV shows, etc...
The Bumper was originally in the first game, though was taken out of Melee. Well, it's making a comeback! According to the director, it's the kind of bumper that you'd see in a pinball machine, though obviously much larger. If someone walks into or is thrown to it, then they'll obtain damage and will get tossed around. It'll hover in the air, so if you throw it off the stage, it'll still be there.
The Pitfall is an item from the Animal Crossing series. If you plant it in the ground, it'll seemingly dissapear until someone walks over it, and then... BAM! He'll be sucked into the ground halfway for a short time, allowing you to go up and pummel your opponent.
Smoke Ball
The smoke ball is another pretty much useless item - once you throw it, smoke will come out, and that's really it. It'll put out differen colored smoke, though overall it'll be just about as uselss as the Blooper from Mario Kart DS, which rarely ever made me crash into a wall or anything.
Franklin Badge
The Franklin Badge is an item from the Earthbound (or Mother) series. In the games, it would reflect lightning and make it hit the person who sent it out. This time, it'll reflect all projectiles. Being a badge, you'll but it on your chest, and for an unknown amount of time will reflect any oncoming projectiles. It's unknown if it will reflect, say, Pikachu's lightning, though that'd be pretty cool.
Superspicy Curry
This Kirby related item will engulf you in flames if you dare eat it. Though it oddly will have a positive rather than negative effect on your player. Once you do this, you'll be able to shoot out flames from your mouth and also do previously un-doable combos that will greatly effect your opponents. It also seems that once you touch one of your enemies, they'll be engulfed into flames as well, though it's unknown if it's positive or negative!

Assist trophies are new to the series. They're sort of like Poke balls, though rather than sending out Pokemon, they send out non-Pokemon Nintendo characters.
Samurai Goroh
Samurai Goroh is one of Captain Falcon's main enemies. Like his rival, Goroh is an F-Zero pilot. He's a master swordsmen who will, in Brawl, start rapidly slashing your opponents. Like most assist trophies, Goroh is invincible, and thus it's best to just run away than to stay and fight.
Dr. Wright
Dr. Wright is the character from the SNES SimCity game who's named after Will Wright. Once he's summoned, he'll start waving around his wand, and will then make buildings shoot out of the ground, thus harming anyone in their way. Seriously, this is one of the coolest ideas ever!
Knuckle Joe
Knuckle Joe is one of those characters who no one probably expected. He's a character from Kirby Super Star and an excellent fighter. In this game, he has two wonderful attacks that he'll perform randomly - One will be a big bolt of lightning that of course will hurt, and the other is a rapid fast punch that will hit foes multiple times, even if they're far away!
The Devil is from the game Devil World, where the species is the main enemy to the character Tamagon. The game was never released in America, though I do know this much - it was a clone of Pac-Man! In Brawl the Devil will fly around, and then he'll start to make the screen scroll so that you'll fall off the edge... meaning this isn't really what you'd call an "assist" character!
Andross is the main antagonist from most Star Fox video games, though as you probably know - he usually doesn't look quite like this. This appearance is from the SNES original, where he looked nothing like a monkey. In the game, his head will gravitate to the background, and will then start to shoot out projectiles that look sort of like panels out at your opponents.

Groudon is the mascot of Pokemon Ruby, and is one of the legendary species. Just like in the aforementioned game, he's huge in Brawl, and apparently all he does is just stand around. If you happen to touch him, you'll be baddly burned, so it's suggested that you stay faaaar away! The director confirmed that it won't harm the player who called it, so if he ended up coming out of your Poke Ball, feel free to go up to it... or maybe you should just fight...
Deoxys is another Legendary Pokemon from the Generation III games. However, unlike Groudon - Deoxys is very rare and could only be obtained through 1. Special events or 2. Traded by someone who went to a special event, though you'd have to be a moron to give such a Pokemon away. You could also get it through a cheating device, though what's the fun in that? Once it comes out of a Poke Ball in Brawl, it'll hover far over the stage, and then use Hyper Beam on your opponents below. While in Brawl it looks pretty powerful, it's was, to me atleast, a pretty worthless item in the games.

*Footstool Jump - The footstool jump is a new technique in the series. Basically, what you do is, right before you land on your opponent, press the jump button. Once you do, you'll then launch off of him, which will give you an extra boost!
*Tether Recovery - This was found in Melee, though it seems to be much easier to execute this time around seeing that it actually aims. It'll only work on a few characters - though if you have a whip/hookshot or something of that sort, then you'll be able to grapple onto a ledge and get back onto the stage. The only confirmed characters that are able to do this are Link and Zero Suit Samus, though it can be conclusive that others will be able to do so too.
*Moving and Shooting - While in previous games you had to stay still and shoot, you'll now be able to move around the stage and shoot at the same time. Even while jumping will you be able to shoot! However, it's unknown if character like Samus Aran or Fox will be able to use their weapons while moving, as it's only been confirmed that items that aren't with you at all times will do this.

*Stickers - Stickers are a new thing in Brawl. You'll be able to find them while fighting, and once you do, you'll be able to add them to your very own, in game scrap book! There seems to be tons of them so far, so once you get the game - start looking for 'em!
List of confirmed stickers -
*Rawk Hawk (Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door)
*Pak E. Derm (Yoshi's Story)
*Star (New Super Mario Bros.)
*Monkey (DK: Jungle Beat)
*Balloon Fighter (Balloon Fighter)
*Earth (Probably Mother/Earthbound)
*That spikey Kirby enemy (Kirby series)
*Gumshoe (?) character (Gumshoe)
*Mario Party block (Mario Party series)
*Toad (Mario series, not sure which game the artwork came from)
*F-Zero racer (Not sure which characters')
*Nintendog (Nintendog)
*Hammer Brother (New Super Mario Bros.)
*Brain Accademy dude (Need I say?)
*Lon Lon Milk (Ocarina of Time)
*Kirby (Don't know which game this artwork came from)
*Wario (Super Mario Strikers)
*Donkey Kong (Mario Superstar Baseball)
*Pianta (Super Mario Sunshine)
*Samurai Goroh (F-Zero)
*Ike (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance)
*Wario's kart (Mark Kart: Double Dash!!)

*Four types of control - Something that shocked everyone was when it was announced that there would be four different ways to play the game. They include a 1. standard Wii and Nunchuck remote, 2. Gamecube controller, 3. Wii remote on its side, and 4. the Virtual Console controller.

I'll go out and say it - the adventure mode in Melee really wasn't thought out to much. It wasn't very interesting and had no real story. Sure, it was fun... but was also at the same time really short. This time, the team behind the game are making an awesome adventure mode with a story, not to mention plenty of CGI films! The following is everything that we know about the adventure mode -
While not perfect - it is something! Apparently the Super Smash Bros. world is in another demension or world, and in this world, trophies come to life and fight each other. If they do not fight, they turn back into a trohpy, and being turned into a trophy is much like death.
However, if you deside not to fight, then you'll have to pay a horrible price....
The actual game
According to the team, it's a "robust side-scrolling action game". You'll go through multiple levels, fighting enemies and bosses, and watching amazing CGI films. It'll focus on all the characters' history and burdons, and will really be something to look forward to.
The official site confirmed that there would be bosses in the game, the first of which would be everyone's favorite hulking Piranha Plant - Petey Piranha. It's unknown how many bosses there will be in the end, though hope for a lot!
Franchise Reps-
Mario series
Mario, Yoshi, Princess Peach, Wario and Bowser are confirmed playable characters. A Hammer Brother is an assist character. Some Mario themed stages include Yoshi's Island, Delfino Plaza, and Mario Circuit. On Yoshi's Island, Shy Guys, Goonies, and Support Ghosts appear. The Banana Peel item is possibly a reference to the Mario Kart series. Bullet Bills appear in the Adventure Mode, as does Petey Piranha. Toad, Rawk Hawk, Pak E. Derm, Hammer Brother, Strikers Wario, Wario's Kart, Mario Party Block, Pianta and a NSMB Star are stickers.
The Legend of Zelda series
Link and Zelda are confirmed playable characters, each one's design being from the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. The Bridge of Eldin is a Zelda themed stage where the King Bulblin appears. Lon Lon milk appears as a sticker.
Metroid series
Samus Aran and her alt form Zero Suit Samus are confirmed playable characters. While not officially shown, the music for a Metroid themed stage has been shown titled Boss Battle Music (Ridley Fight).
Star Fox series
Fox McCloud is a confirmed playable character. The original SNES Andross is an assist character. The Lylat System is a stage in which you can see Arwing's dogfighting in the background.
Pokemon series
Pikachu and a Pokemon Trainer are confirmed playable characters. The latter will send out Squirtle (#004), Ivysaur (#002), and Charizard (#009) to fight for him. The Pokemon Stadium has been shown as a returning stage from Melee. Confirmed Poke Balls include Groudon, Deoxys, Chikorita and Goldeen.
Donkey Kong series
Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong are confirmed playable characters. The Kongos from Donkey Konga are used as DK's final smash. Rumble Falls is a DK themed stage in which you must climb to the top. Jungle Beat monkey, and baseball Donkey Kong appear as stickers.
Kirby series
Kirby and Meta Knight are confirmed playable characters. Knuckle Joe is a confirmed assist trophy character. Superspicy Curry is an item. Kirby appears as a sticker.
Fire Emblem series
Ike is a confirmed playable character. Castle Siege, while not from a specific game, has been confirmed to take place in the Fire Emblem world. Ike is a confirmed sticker.
Kid Icarus series
Pit is a confirmed playable character. Sky World is one of the stages in the game that is based in the Kid Icarus world. Paletuena appears once Pit uses his final smash, where she'll send an army out to attack your opponents. She also appears in one of the story mode's CGI films.
F-Zero series
Samurai Goroh is a confirmed assist trophy. While not confirmed, Captain Falcon has a pretty good chance of being a playable character as he was in previous Smash Bros. games. An F-Zero racer and Samurai Goroh are stickers.
Earthbound series
Franklin's Badge is a confirmed item. The Earthbount emblem is a sticker. While not confirmed, it can be conclusive to guess that Ness will appear as a playable character.
Animal Crossing series
Smashville is a confirmed stage that features almost every single Animal Crossing character. Pitfall is a confirmed item. Every Saturday at 8 p.m., K.K. Slider from both Animal Crossing games will appear and play a song on the Smashville stage.
Classic games
Dr. Wright (SimCity) and a Devil (Devil World) appear as an assist trophy. Balloon Fighter and Gumshoe cheif (?) appear as stickers. R.O.B. appears on the main adventure mode. The Super Scope appears as an item.
Other series
Snake appears as a playable character. The mascot from Brain Accademy is a sticker. A Nintendog lab appears as an assist trophy. A Nintendog also appears as a sticker.

Mario is an all around character who is great for beginers. So far it can be confirmed that most of his attacks from Melee will make a come back, such as his fire balls. His final smash is quite incredible - He becomes engulfed in flames, and then shoots out a massive burst of fire all across the stage, heavily attacking anything in his way.

Link, the hero of time, is back and ready to fight! He has all of his popular weapons with him - his sword, bombs, gale boomerang, hero's bow, and hookshot. Also coming back is his spin attack, though now you'll be able to charge it up. His gale boomerange will cause a twister, and the hookshot will aim for ledges, rather than just going forward. Link's final smash seems to damage only one player - A triforce will surround his opponent, and then Link will jump up toward him and rapidly slash with his sword.

Kirby has the ability to suck in his opponents and steal their powers. He wields a sword and a hammer, and he's also able to perform rapid fire attacks toward his enemies. It can be conclusive that most, if not all of his attacks from Melee will make a return. While it hasn't been confirmed, a possible final smash has been shown in the first video game was released at E3 2006 where Kirby tosses his enemy in a giant pot and boils them.

By far the most popular of all Pokémon - Pikachu is a master when it comes to using electricity, and his small size allows him to zip past his opponents quickly. When the smash ball comes in his/her possession, an electrified massive ball will surround the yellow creature. Then, you'll be able to move the giant ball around, smashing into enemies. However, it's obviously only for a limited time, so if it goes out while you in the air past the stage, well, see-ya!

The female bounty hunter with a wide range of weapons is back. While she essentially has the same attacks as before - there's one big difference. Once she uses her final smash, which is a huge (HUGE) laser, the blast will be so powerful that it'll take off her powersuit. Once this happens, you'll play as Zero Suit Samus, whom has completely different weapons, attacks, and probably stats.

Fox's design has been slightly changed, with some of the design elements from Star Fox: Command in there. It appears that his special attacks are all stil there, and while the blaster won't make his opponent flinch, it will shoot out rapidly. His reflector is also making a return, which is sort of like a split-second shield that will not only reflect projectiles, but will also harm your opponents if it touches them. No word on what his final smash will be yet.

The always cheerful dinosaur/dragon Yoshi is back! While he seems to be the same as before (other than the great design difference), the director has confirmed what everyone was hoping - Yoshi now has a third jump (in Melee he was one of the only characters not to have one). However, don't think that his egg toss has been tossed out (and yes, pun intended), because it's still there, as is his stickey tounge. Once he gets a final smash ball, he'll sprout wings and will then fly around blowing fire at his opponents, similar to what he could do in Super Mario World (only these two attacks had to be performed seperately).

Donkey Kong is obviously a heavy hitter, and one of the most powerful characters in the game. His fan favorite attacks are back - The ground smash, and, of course, the one where you can pick up your opponent and walk around with them, and even comit suicide if needed! His final smash references the classic DK Bongo games (which include Donkey Konga 1,2 and 3, and Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat) - Once he gets the smash ball, he'll bring out the bongos from the games, and start pounding on them, which will somehow cause a super powerful ripple in the air that will harm your opponents.

It doesn't seem like Princess Peach has changed much. However, correct me if I'm wrong but it does seem like her umbrella design has changed slightly. Her attacks from Melee seem to make a return - The Toad, side bumb, and, as stated, her umbrella. No word on what her final smash will be yet.

Zelda is known for being a master at magical attacks. Her design is mostly based off of her design from Twilight Princess, but with dirty blonde hair. No word on whether or not she will be able to transform into Shiek. However, Eiji Aonuma, director of multiple Zelda games, stated that the designs for her (and Ganondorf) have been finished, suggesting that she'll be in the game. It's unknown what her final smash will be as of yet.

Apparently Bowser is the heaviest and biggest of all the playable characteres in the game, and you can obviously see why by just looking at him. While it appears that most, if not all of his attacks from Melee are coming back, his final smash may make him one of everyone's favorite characters in the game - It turns him into freakin Giga Bowser, which was one of the hardest bosses in Melee. Giga Bowser is, frankly, HUGE! Probably 3 stories high! Yeah, once he turns into that behemoth... you'll want to run... far away!

Pit was one of the demanded characters that everyone seriously wanted. He's the star of the classic cult classic Kid Icarus, and has the ability to fly! His most notable weapon is his Sacred Bow which can be taken apart and acted as two swords! The arrows shot from the bow can be controlled by the player, similar to Ness' b-up move from Melee. His up move can be guessed - He'll use his wings to soar in the air, though unlike most angelic creatures - he won't be able to stay up there forever! Once Pit obtains the final smash, Palutena, the goddess of light, will appear and will summon an army of Centurions.

The greedy and gluttonous man Wario is joining the fray! He appears in his WarioWare costume, and has a unique set of attacks. When you press b-left/right, Wario will bring out a motorcycle, and will drive it around, ramming into anything in his way. If you're about to go over the ledge, then you can do a 180 to turn around. If you fall off, you're (and anyone else) able to use the hog as a projectile and toss it. Another attack will cause him to pass massive gas - so much of it that he'll be thrusted in the air. It is currently unknown what his final smash will be.

The protagonist of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, Ike is a master swordsmen. He brings his golden sword from the game along, as well as his techniques! His up-b move is Aether - First he'll toss his sword up in the air, jump up to grab it, and smash it back down to the ground. If anyone tries to harm Ike, he won't flinch (though he will take damage). His standard b attack - eruptioin, is a chargable attack where he'll plant is sword in the ground so hard that it will cause flames to burst out. His final smash is currently unknown.

The Pokémon Trainer is one of the more unique character that appear in the game. For the first time in the series, the character actually doesn't even fight on the stage, but will send in a Pokémon to do his bidding. Which Pokémon is it, you ask? Oh, sorry, that's the wrong question - Which Pokémon are they would be better, seeing that he can send out three different Pokémon, including Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard, three Pokémon from the generation 1 series of Pokémon games. You can easily switch the Pokémon out by pressing b-down, but doing so too often and too little will apparently be bad for them. It's unknown what attacks each Pokémon can do, but expect their stats, attacks, and what not to be completely different from one another.

The mysterious character from the Kirby series, Meta Knight has for along time been a fan favorite. He seems to play a major part in the game, seeing that in the single player images, his large ship can be seen flying all over the place, attacking the heroes. He seems to be a master at using swords, and when he does so he's rapid fast. He also seems to have a unique guarding move where he shields himself using his cape. He's also able to fly using wings that will pop out, which is quite awesome. His final smash is currently unknown.

Donkey Kong's friend from the multiple different DK games. He's quicker than his buddy, and also has two niffty weapons that appeared in the games - The Rocketbarrel Boost and his Peanut Pop Gun. He's also been shown to fight with his fists as well in the shown images. No word on what his final smash will be.

The first third party character to make an appearance in the Super Smash Bros. series. So far, not much is known about Snake, though it does seem like he uses explosives to attack. He's also been seen crawling, though the actual use of doing so is unknown. As of now his final smash is unknown.

The Battlefield is a standard stage with no obstacles. It's just one big platform with three other, small platforms hovering above it, each one (other than the main one) being pass-through platforms. To make the stage not so dull, the time of day will change periodically.

Delfino Plaza from Super Mario Sunshine starts out on a single platform in the air that will circle around the island. It will occasionally drop down in the plaza where you'll have a wider range of places to go, and from the looks of it, it seems like it'll drop in more than one place.

Yoshi's Island has the same style that Super Mario World 2 did, and it looks great! The stage includes one big platform with a smaller pass-through platform above it. In time the season will change - from spring to summer to fall and finally to winter. You'll see multiple enemies from the game in this stage, a list of which can be seen below.
Franchise reps in Yoshi's Island -
*Fly Guy - Fly Guys are Shy Guys that have helicopters on their head, allowing them to fly around. You'll see these guys fly over the stage, and you'll probably be able to attack them like you could in Melee.
*Support Ghost - Support Ghosts are also enemies in SMW2. While they served as both a threat and a supporter in SMW2, they'll just appear as a supporter in Brawl. They'll pop out of the ground in this game and act as an extra platform for you to go on.
*Others - In the background you'll spot goonies and the living flowers pop up, though they don't seem to have any effect on the gameplay what-so-ever, but rather are just there for the theme.

This is obviously a Star Fox stage that takes place on a ship called the Pleiades. It features one main platform, and three pass-through, side-by side platforms above it. Probably the most notable element of this stage is the background, which will change over time from dogfights through an asteroid belt, above a large planet in space, high above inside a planet, and more.
Franchise reps in the Lylat Cruise -
*Arwings - While going through space, you'll often find arwings flying next to, fighting enemy ships.

The Eldin Bridge is taken right out of the recent Wii and Gamecube game The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. It's long and flat, and at first seems peaceful, that is until the Lord Bullbo comes in and starts to attack you! He'll plant bombs down, which will break the bridge, which thus causes a major threat. However, in time the portals above (which were also in the game) will rebuild the bridge. In the background you'll be able to see the Hyrule Castle, a neat addition to the game.

Here's an interesting stage. All it really is is a flat platform with one pass through platform above it. In the background, more and more guests from the classic video games Animal Crossing and Animal Crossing: Wild World, including some favorites such as Tom Nook, K.K. Slider, the mayor, and others. Just like the original games, the time of day (and possibly season) will be determined by your Wii's internal clock.

This Donkey Kong stage will bring the Ice Climbers' stage from Melee to mind, though from the looks of it - this ones a lot better! Just like the Ice Climber stage, you just keep climbing and climbing to the top, while obviously fighting your nasty opponents. From the looks of it they're some ladders to help you on the way, though it'll probably be best if you just jump. Once you get beyond the waterfall, there's still some more climbing to do. It's unknown whether there's an end or not, but there probably will be!

This is the Kid Icarus stage - it features one big platform in the middle, three pass through platforms above it and one on the bottom right of it. Beware though - the pass through platforms are easily breakable, so it'd be suggested not to be on the bottom one, as one wrong move and it could break! Don't worry though - in time they'll regenerate.

This is a Fire Emblem level, though it's not from any particular game. At first it'll take place on top of the caslte, though it'll start to break, and you'll fall down into the second portion, which takes place in the castle. After that, it'll once more break, though it's currently unknown what lies underneath the second area.

The Pokemon Stadium in this game seems to be taken directly from Melee. It's unknown whether or not it'll transform into something else as the Melee stage did, though it is probable that it will. So far, not much is known about the stage seeing that an official page hasn't been added to the official site.

The Gooey Bomb is a new item that will attach itself to anything it touches, including yourself or your opponents. Once it gets stuck on someone, he'll have to act quickly to get it off. Once he does, he'll be able to toss it. However, in time, it'll blow up, harming anything in its range. Sometimes it'll even jump off someone to someone else if they walk by.

The Cracker Launcher is another new item. It sort of resembles a missle launcher, but rather than missles it shoots out fireworks... the dangerous kind! It releases the fireworks rapidly, and you'll also be able to aim where they'll go, which is a new addition to the series.

Crates and Barrels are from the two previous games, though there's something quite uniqe about them this time around. While in previous games, crates and barrels looked the same on every stage you go on, in this game their appearance will change depending on what stage you're on. For example, if you're on the Yoshi's Island stage, they'll be presents, and if you're on the Lylat Cruise stage, they'll be metalic to fit in with the futuristic look to it. If you break one, it'll explode and items will fly out of it.

The Banana Peel seems to be a rather useless item, though none-the-less it'll be fun to use - If someone walks ontop of a tossed banana peel (or possibly even one that just came out of no where), they'll slip and fall, referencing the common cliche that can be found in multiple movies, games, TV shows, etc...

The Bumper was originally in the first game, though was taken out of Melee. Well, it's making a comeback! According to the director, it's the kind of bumper that you'd see in a pinball machine, though obviously much larger. If someone walks into or is thrown to it, then they'll obtain damage and will get tossed around. It'll hover in the air, so if you throw it off the stage, it'll still be there.

The Pitfall is an item from the Animal Crossing series. If you plant it in the ground, it'll seemingly dissapear until someone walks over it, and then... BAM! He'll be sucked into the ground halfway for a short time, allowing you to go up and pummel your opponent.

The smoke ball is another pretty much useless item - once you throw it, smoke will come out, and that's really it. It'll put out differen colored smoke, though overall it'll be just about as uselss as the Blooper from Mario Kart DS, which rarely ever made me crash into a wall or anything.

The Franklin Badge is an item from the Earthbound (or Mother) series. In the games, it would reflect lightning and make it hit the person who sent it out. This time, it'll reflect all projectiles. Being a badge, you'll but it on your chest, and for an unknown amount of time will reflect any oncoming projectiles. It's unknown if it will reflect, say, Pikachu's lightning, though that'd be pretty cool.

This Kirby related item will engulf you in flames if you dare eat it. Though it oddly will have a positive rather than negative effect on your player. Once you do this, you'll be able to shoot out flames from your mouth and also do previously un-doable combos that will greatly effect your opponents. It also seems that once you touch one of your enemies, they'll be engulfed into flames as well, though it's unknown if it's positive or negative!

Assist trophies are new to the series. They're sort of like Poke balls, though rather than sending out Pokemon, they send out non-Pokemon Nintendo characters.

Samurai Goroh is one of Captain Falcon's main enemies. Like his rival, Goroh is an F-Zero pilot. He's a master swordsmen who will, in Brawl, start rapidly slashing your opponents. Like most assist trophies, Goroh is invincible, and thus it's best to just run away than to stay and fight.

Dr. Wright is the character from the SNES SimCity game who's named after Will Wright. Once he's summoned, he'll start waving around his wand, and will then make buildings shoot out of the ground, thus harming anyone in their way. Seriously, this is one of the coolest ideas ever!

Knuckle Joe is one of those characters who no one probably expected. He's a character from Kirby Super Star and an excellent fighter. In this game, he has two wonderful attacks that he'll perform randomly - One will be a big bolt of lightning that of course will hurt, and the other is a rapid fast punch that will hit foes multiple times, even if they're far away!

The Devil is from the game Devil World, where the species is the main enemy to the character Tamagon. The game was never released in America, though I do know this much - it was a clone of Pac-Man! In Brawl the Devil will fly around, and then he'll start to make the screen scroll so that you'll fall off the edge... meaning this isn't really what you'd call an "assist" character!

Andross is the main antagonist from most Star Fox video games, though as you probably know - he usually doesn't look quite like this. This appearance is from the SNES original, where he looked nothing like a monkey. In the game, his head will gravitate to the background, and will then start to shoot out projectiles that look sort of like panels out at your opponents.

Groudon is the mascot of Pokemon Ruby, and is one of the legendary species. Just like in the aforementioned game, he's huge in Brawl, and apparently all he does is just stand around. If you happen to touch him, you'll be baddly burned, so it's suggested that you stay faaaar away! The director confirmed that it won't harm the player who called it, so if he ended up coming out of your Poke Ball, feel free to go up to it... or maybe you should just fight...

Deoxys is another Legendary Pokemon from the Generation III games. However, unlike Groudon - Deoxys is very rare and could only be obtained through 1. Special events or 2. Traded by someone who went to a special event, though you'd have to be a moron to give such a Pokemon away. You could also get it through a cheating device, though what's the fun in that? Once it comes out of a Poke Ball in Brawl, it'll hover far over the stage, and then use Hyper Beam on your opponents below. While in Brawl it looks pretty powerful, it's was, to me atleast, a pretty worthless item in the games.

*Footstool Jump - The footstool jump is a new technique in the series. Basically, what you do is, right before you land on your opponent, press the jump button. Once you do, you'll then launch off of him, which will give you an extra boost!
*Tether Recovery - This was found in Melee, though it seems to be much easier to execute this time around seeing that it actually aims. It'll only work on a few characters - though if you have a whip/hookshot or something of that sort, then you'll be able to grapple onto a ledge and get back onto the stage. The only confirmed characters that are able to do this are Link and Zero Suit Samus, though it can be conclusive that others will be able to do so too.
*Moving and Shooting - While in previous games you had to stay still and shoot, you'll now be able to move around the stage and shoot at the same time. Even while jumping will you be able to shoot! However, it's unknown if character like Samus Aran or Fox will be able to use their weapons while moving, as it's only been confirmed that items that aren't with you at all times will do this.

*Stickers - Stickers are a new thing in Brawl. You'll be able to find them while fighting, and once you do, you'll be able to add them to your very own, in game scrap book! There seems to be tons of them so far, so once you get the game - start looking for 'em!
List of confirmed stickers -
*Rawk Hawk (Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door)
*Pak E. Derm (Yoshi's Story)
*Star (New Super Mario Bros.)
*Monkey (DK: Jungle Beat)
*Balloon Fighter (Balloon Fighter)
*Earth (Probably Mother/Earthbound)
*That spikey Kirby enemy (Kirby series)
*Gumshoe (?) character (Gumshoe)
*Mario Party block (Mario Party series)
*Toad (Mario series, not sure which game the artwork came from)
*F-Zero racer (Not sure which characters')
*Nintendog (Nintendog)
*Hammer Brother (New Super Mario Bros.)
*Brain Accademy dude (Need I say?)
*Lon Lon Milk (Ocarina of Time)
*Kirby (Don't know which game this artwork came from)
*Wario (Super Mario Strikers)
*Donkey Kong (Mario Superstar Baseball)
*Pianta (Super Mario Sunshine)
*Samurai Goroh (F-Zero)
*Ike (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance)
*Wario's kart (Mark Kart: Double Dash!!)

*Four types of control - Something that shocked everyone was when it was announced that there would be four different ways to play the game. They include a 1. standard Wii and Nunchuck remote, 2. Gamecube controller, 3. Wii remote on its side, and 4. the Virtual Console controller.

I'll go out and say it - the adventure mode in Melee really wasn't thought out to much. It wasn't very interesting and had no real story. Sure, it was fun... but was also at the same time really short. This time, the team behind the game are making an awesome adventure mode with a story, not to mention plenty of CGI films! The following is everything that we know about the adventure mode -
While not perfect - it is something! Apparently the Super Smash Bros. world is in another demension or world, and in this world, trophies come to life and fight each other. If they do not fight, they turn back into a trohpy, and being turned into a trophy is much like death.
However, if you deside not to fight, then you'll have to pay a horrible price....
The actual game
According to the team, it's a "robust side-scrolling action game". You'll go through multiple levels, fighting enemies and bosses, and watching amazing CGI films. It'll focus on all the characters' history and burdons, and will really be something to look forward to.
The official site confirmed that there would be bosses in the game, the first of which would be everyone's favorite hulking Piranha Plant - Petey Piranha. It's unknown how many bosses there will be in the end, though hope for a lot!
Franchise Reps-
Mario series
Mario, Yoshi, Princess Peach, Wario and Bowser are confirmed playable characters. A Hammer Brother is an assist character. Some Mario themed stages include Yoshi's Island, Delfino Plaza, and Mario Circuit. On Yoshi's Island, Shy Guys, Goonies, and Support Ghosts appear. The Banana Peel item is possibly a reference to the Mario Kart series. Bullet Bills appear in the Adventure Mode, as does Petey Piranha. Toad, Rawk Hawk, Pak E. Derm, Hammer Brother, Strikers Wario, Wario's Kart, Mario Party Block, Pianta and a NSMB Star are stickers.
The Legend of Zelda series
Link and Zelda are confirmed playable characters, each one's design being from the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. The Bridge of Eldin is a Zelda themed stage where the King Bulblin appears. Lon Lon milk appears as a sticker.
Metroid series
Samus Aran and her alt form Zero Suit Samus are confirmed playable characters. While not officially shown, the music for a Metroid themed stage has been shown titled Boss Battle Music (Ridley Fight).
Star Fox series
Fox McCloud is a confirmed playable character. The original SNES Andross is an assist character. The Lylat System is a stage in which you can see Arwing's dogfighting in the background.
Pokemon series
Pikachu and a Pokemon Trainer are confirmed playable characters. The latter will send out Squirtle (#004), Ivysaur (#002), and Charizard (#009) to fight for him. The Pokemon Stadium has been shown as a returning stage from Melee. Confirmed Poke Balls include Groudon, Deoxys, Chikorita and Goldeen.
Donkey Kong series
Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong are confirmed playable characters. The Kongos from Donkey Konga are used as DK's final smash. Rumble Falls is a DK themed stage in which you must climb to the top. Jungle Beat monkey, and baseball Donkey Kong appear as stickers.
Kirby series
Kirby and Meta Knight are confirmed playable characters. Knuckle Joe is a confirmed assist trophy character. Superspicy Curry is an item. Kirby appears as a sticker.
Fire Emblem series
Ike is a confirmed playable character. Castle Siege, while not from a specific game, has been confirmed to take place in the Fire Emblem world. Ike is a confirmed sticker.
Kid Icarus series
Pit is a confirmed playable character. Sky World is one of the stages in the game that is based in the Kid Icarus world. Paletuena appears once Pit uses his final smash, where she'll send an army out to attack your opponents. She also appears in one of the story mode's CGI films.
F-Zero series
Samurai Goroh is a confirmed assist trophy. While not confirmed, Captain Falcon has a pretty good chance of being a playable character as he was in previous Smash Bros. games. An F-Zero racer and Samurai Goroh are stickers.
Earthbound series
Franklin's Badge is a confirmed item. The Earthbount emblem is a sticker. While not confirmed, it can be conclusive to guess that Ness will appear as a playable character.
Animal Crossing series
Smashville is a confirmed stage that features almost every single Animal Crossing character. Pitfall is a confirmed item. Every Saturday at 8 p.m., K.K. Slider from both Animal Crossing games will appear and play a song on the Smashville stage.
Classic games
Dr. Wright (SimCity) and a Devil (Devil World) appear as an assist trophy. Balloon Fighter and Gumshoe cheif (?) appear as stickers. R.O.B. appears on the main adventure mode. The Super Scope appears as an item.
Other series
Snake appears as a playable character. The mascot from Brain Accademy is a sticker. A Nintendog lab appears as an assist trophy. A Nintendog also appears as a sticker.
Animal Crossing,
Donkey Kong,
Fire Emblem,
Kid Icarus,
Star Fox,
Super Smash Bros.,
The Legend of Zelda,
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