List of flash games thay you can play on Bentendo64:
*Bejeweled - August 11, 2007
*Copter Game - August 12, 2007
*Snake - Auguts 11, 2007
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Youtube video of the day - Eddie and the Hagfish
The Hagfish is quite an interesting creature who goes through the insides of it's dinner, which often time might be alive. They apparently will go through the mouth, anus, or any other entry, and will then eat their insides. Pretty interesting!
New Marvel information via Wizard World
*More "What if?" comics will be released starting in October of this year.
*No word on whether there will be more Ultimate Defenders books.
Not much else was revealed othe than stuff I've already covered today...
*No word on whether there will be more Ultimate Defenders books.
Not much else was revealed othe than stuff I've already covered today...
Poll closed - new one will be up in just a minute
Alright, the poll is now closed, and Spider-Man won with 45% of the votes (21 people), Iron Man got in second with 21 % (10 people), Batman in third with 17% (8 people), and Super Man in last place with 15% (7 people).
Alright, I'll post the next one up now!
Alright, I'll post the next one up now!
I guess I can update today!
Alright, I just found out that I'll have access to my computer today and tomorrow, so horay! Also, there's only 30 more minutes until the poll closes, so get to voting!
I'm off... probably...
Alright, I'm done for the day... I think! And tomorrow, I probably won't be able to write on the blog, so sorry! But I will be here Monday!
Ultimate Hulk/Iron Man announced
Over at Wizard World, Marvel announced a new mini series called Ultimate Hulk/Iron Man, where the two will have to work together, something that you'd not expect from the two entirely different supers.
According to Marvel, it'll be released sometime in 2008, and will be written by Warren Ellis and will be drawn by Cary Nord.
According to Marvel, it'll be released sometime in 2008, and will be written by Warren Ellis and will be drawn by Cary Nord.
Lots of new Marvel previews

*Annihilation: Conquest - Quasar #2
*Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #23
*New X-Men #41
*Sub-Mariner #3
*Super-Villain Team-Up/Modok's 11 #2
*Wolverine: Orgins #16
For the preview pages and covers, click on the link below -
Annihilation: Conquest,
Director of Mummy and Van Helsing to direct G.I. Joe movie
It's just been reported that Stephen Sommers, director of Mummy 1 & 2 and Van Helsing, is going to be directing the upcoming G.I. Joe live action movie. While I'm not a fan of the series, it's great to see Hasbro's classic toys getting live movies - first Transformers and now this!
Once more news on the project is released, I'll report on it.
Once more news on the project is released, I'll report on it.
Classic game -- SNAKE
So, there's probably no doubt in anyone's mind that Snake is one of the greatest games of all time. I found the classic version, and I'm able to add to my website, so here you go (enjoy!!!)...
Flash games!
Alright, so I just found out that you can add some flash games on Bentendo64, which seriously rocks. So I may add some more later on! When I get a lot of them, I'll add it to the special features on the right!
Play Bejeweled on Bentendo64!
I'm just testing this out to see if it works (crosses fingers!).
Edit - Horay! It works!
Edit - Horay! It works!
Awesome drunk driving flash game!
Here's an awesome drunk driving flash game I found on the internet. What do you do? Well, first off you start at 3 pints and see how far you can drive without crashing your car and killing yourself. You can go all the way up to 16, though I wasn't able to get anywhere near that number. My distance on 3 pints was 108, and on 4 pints it went no higher than 45... yeah, I suck. But it's a pretty cool game, so check it out -
Kid arrested after writing 'PS3 sucks' on 23 PS3 game cases...

BTW - After not being able to contact the kid's parents, the police took him to child services.
Blue chips healthier than any other colored chips
Recent studies found that blue colored chips are healthier than any other colored chips, and have 20% more protein than white ones. I don't know about you, but when ever I go out to eat at a Mexican restaurant, the only colors I ever see are red, green, purple and white. Are they talking about the purple ones (god dang it I hate it when people say that purple is blue, you freaking morons)?
Peeps say scientists are wrong by stating they were wrong 600 years ago as well...
I'm sure everyone of you have your own opinions on Global Warming. I'm not going to go out and tell the world my opinion, mainly because I don't have one! But even if I were against the scientists saying that it was real, I wouldn't go out and make a fool of myself and say that scientists were wrong when they said that the world was flat... which they failed to mention was stated over 600 years ago!
Nintendo Characters - Falco Lombardi
Banner Coming Soon!!!
Falco is a member of the Star Fox team who happens to be one of the more arrogant characters in the Nintendo universe. He's the Wolverine of the Star Fox series, as he's always making fun of other team members and showing off, but at the same time he's a great arwing flyer and fighter. He also has a tendency of not following Fox's (the team's leader) oreders.
He often times he leaves the team to go solo, though he usually always finds his way back to help them out. He's noted as the team's best arwing fighter, and has on many occasions proved useful on the ground as well.
Despite often thought of as being creul, he has a kind heart as well. Proof of this was found in one of the alternate endings of Command, where he expresses sympathy for Fox after his girl friend, Krystal, leaves him for Panther.
Falco is a member of the Star Fox team who happens to be one of the more arrogant characters in the Nintendo universe. He's the Wolverine of the Star Fox series, as he's always making fun of other team members and showing off, but at the same time he's a great arwing flyer and fighter. He also has a tendency of not following Fox's (the team's leader) oreders.
He often times he leaves the team to go solo, though he usually always finds his way back to help them out. He's noted as the team's best arwing fighter, and has on many occasions proved useful on the ground as well.
Despite often thought of as being creul, he has a kind heart as well. Proof of this was found in one of the alternate endings of Command, where he expresses sympathy for Fox after his girl friend, Krystal, leaves him for Panther.
Nintendo Characters - Ness

Most RPG characters have epic personalities, and are usualy strong warriors or soldiers. Ness, however, is just a young kid with some special psychic powers.
For most of his life, he was living peacefully in Onett, until one day a meteor crashed onto Earth, where an alien inside told Ness that he had an obligation, which was ultimately to save Earth! Now that's what I'm taklin 'bout!
While not as popular as, say, Mario, Link, or Samus Aran, Ness is a cult favorite among thousands of Nintendo fans who have been craving the release of Mother 3 in America (however, Mother 3 stars Lucas rather than Ness).
Interesting artwork revealed (Marvel)
Some interesting artwork was revealed over at Marvel's event at Wizard World. For more, click on the link.

More here!

More here!
Awesome news for Fantastic Four news
Over at Wizard World, Marvel announced that Mark Millar and Bryan Hitch will be taking over Fantastic Four for a while. Check out some of the images released below.

More here!

More here!
New DC Comics news
Here's a list of news that was revealed via DC's conference.
*New, nine part series called Gotham Underground. About a gang war between Metropolis and Gotham City.
*Tony Daniels is joinging Grant Morrison to work on Batman.

*New League of Super Heroes arc (art above). Artist Francis Manapul, writer not announced yet.
*New, nine part series called Gotham Underground. About a gang war between Metropolis and Gotham City.
*Tony Daniels is joinging Grant Morrison to work on Batman.

*New League of Super Heroes arc (art above). Artist Francis Manapul, writer not announced yet.
New Mario tattoo
Tak gets his own TV show...
I've never played any of Tak's games... mainly because they're not supposed to be very good! But apparently Nickelodeon thinks that they are, and they're going to create a new TV show based off of the children's video game. Kind of odd that when they had tons of great video games to make a cartoon out of... they chose an awful, or atleast pretty bad series!
Comic reviews - Nova #5, Countdown #38, Fables #64, Green Lantern #22

Nova #5
Nova got off to a so-so start at the beginning, but recently, ever since last month when it started to become part of the Annihilation: Conquest series, it's started to become much better. This book, rather than focusing on Richard Rider (Nova), stars the new female character Ko-Rel. In the previous issue she had to become the new Nova for awhile after the real one almost died, and while it may seem cheezy, it's really not.
Ultimately I've enjoyed Star Lord better so far. However, if you're planning on collecting the Annihilation Conquest books, then you should absolutely collect this one as well as Star Lord. The other two books in the series aren't so hot...

Issues like this tell me that I shouldn't regret collecting the Countdown series. Unlike last week's, and the one prior to last week's, and, well, frankly almost every issue, this one wasn't boring to read. However, the apparent main story in this issue, the introduction of Mr. Action, was rather boring and uneeded, seeing that it really went no where. It was kind of pathetic of DC to put on the cover of the issue "collector's issue" just because it featured a pathetic new super hero... who really doesn't seem like any super hero I've ever seen. Overall, if you haven't been collecting the issues, then there's no real reason to get this, other than that, well, of course you're going to...

You're probably going to hate be for saying this, though I actually loved the art work in this issue... sadly they're only going to feature it once! Seriously, Fables is one of the more interseting stories coming out now. I love the idea of it, and this one does a great job at showing the character's lifes, though not in an awfuly stupid way like some other comic series tend to do.
Oddly, while this comic features no actual action sequences, it was one of the issue that seemed more intense than any of the other issues I've reviewed here. The part I'm talking about is when Bigby and Snow White are about to tell their children a very important secret. I just loved that part!

It's commonly known that the Green Lantern series is currently one of DC's finest. It has plenty of action and dialouge, and the art is pretty good too. There's not much that I can say about this issue, other than go check it out if you're a DC Comics fan.....
Annihilation: Conquest,
DC Comics,
Green Lantern,
Hulk game developer announced
While we knew for quite some time that SEGA would be publishing the upcoming Hulk game, among other Marvel titles, they've been quite on who the developer would be. Well, today they just announced that Edge of Reality would be developing the console versions, while Amaze Entertainment will be heading the handheld versions.
The game will apparently be released alongside the film, which comes out on June 13, 2008.
The game will apparently be released alongside the film, which comes out on June 13, 2008.
Nintendo DS,
Playstation 2,
Playstation 3,
Xbox 360
Friday, August 10, 2007
More new X-Men images
A whole bunch of new X-Men images have been released at Wizard World, check one of them out below, and the rest at the link.
More here!

Toilet game controlled by your pee

The only other game like this that I've seen before is an aiming game, where you try to aim your pee in a hole to get points. But this is a much better idea...
What do I think??? BEST IDEA EVA!
It's 4real - you can't put a number in your kid's name!
Apparently some New Zealand government is forbidding two parents from naming their child "4real", saying that a name can't have numbers in it. While it's not a great name in my opinion, I don't see the problem with calling him 4real!
Marvel announces Killraven
Well, this isn't the greatest story, though none-the-less I'll say what it's about. Well, apparently Mars has no woman, so they go down to Earth to conquer it and find them. Soooo, Earth needs heroes, and that's what they get. In the upcoming, five part mini-series, a new team of apparent Avengers will come to save the day!
Marvel also revealed that the new heroes will be based off of already developed ones, including Captain America (shown below), Iron Man, Hawkeye, Thor, and possibly others.
Expect to see this new series sometime next year...

Marvel also revealed that the new heroes will be based off of already developed ones, including Captain America (shown below), Iron Man, Hawkeye, Thor, and possibly others.
Expect to see this new series sometime next year...

New Luke Cage comic announced.

Here's some information that was revealed regarding the comic, among other things -
*Mr. Tartakovsky says that Tom Brevoot of Marvel called him up asking him if he wanted to do a comic for Marvel.
*It's set more in the classic time line of the character, meaning we'll see his classic costume (shown to the right).
*Sadly, it'll only be a four-part mini-series.
*Tartakovsky is both drawing and writing Cage.
*Misty Knight, as well as some other Marvel characters, will appear in the comic.
*Tartakovsky says he would love to do a Captain America comic.
*The rumor that Tartakovsky is making a Dark Tower animated series isn't true.
Silver Surfer: In Thy Name announced
Over at Marvel's Mondo panel, they announced a new, Silver Surfer mini-series which will be sub titled "In Thy Name". Along with the announcement, they gave us a few preview pages for the upcoming series (or mini-series), which, frankly, looks amazing. Selected images are below, and for the rest, you'll have to click on the link.


McG to direct Maintenance
Here's another comic book to movie title. Charlie's Angels director McG will apparently be directing the upcoming movie Maintenance through his Wonderland Sound and Vision company. Rumor states that Warner Brothers may also help with the project as well. Apparently he wants the movie to have "action, comedy, and ground breaking effects", as Indiana Jones and Back to the Future did (two of my all time favorite movies).
Once more news on this is released, I'll report it.
Once more news on this is released, I'll report it.
Age of Conan - Hyborian Adventures get's release date
Funcom has just revealed that their anticipated game Age of Conan will be released on the Xbox 360 and PC by March 25th of 2008. The game is supposed to be great, so check it out or rent it when it's released... that is if it lives up to the large hype it's getting!
BioShock has just gone gold everybody, which means the developers have finished it, and that it won't be delayed! The game comes out on the 21st of this month, so get ready!!!
What critics are saying about... Daddy Day Camp!
*A movie short on laughs and laden with predictability - IGN (1/10 stars)
*Daddy Day Camp suffers all the near-classic sequel handicaps. - Variety
*Some would argue that kids aren't as jaded as adults, and will enjoy an agonizingly unfunny experience like Daddy Day Camp just find. Using the same rationale, you could feed them Alpo. - Minneapolis Star Tribune (1/4 stars)
*Because he's an Oscar winner with a rep now for Headlining turkeys, watching Cub Gooding Jr. in trash like Daddy Day Camp almost hurts. - Entertainment Weekly (D)
*About as much fun as being given a wedgie and hung from the camp flagpole. - Globe and Mail (0/10)
*Daddy Day Camp suffers all the near-classic sequel handicaps. - Variety
*Some would argue that kids aren't as jaded as adults, and will enjoy an agonizingly unfunny experience like Daddy Day Camp just find. Using the same rationale, you could feed them Alpo. - Minneapolis Star Tribune (1/4 stars)
*Because he's an Oscar winner with a rep now for Headlining turkeys, watching Cub Gooding Jr. in trash like Daddy Day Camp almost hurts. - Entertainment Weekly (D)
*About as much fun as being given a wedgie and hung from the camp flagpole. - Globe and Mail (0/10)
What's inside - Naked: Orange Mango Motion

*Guarana (380 mg) - Probably nothing big, though reports have been tested, and have concluded that this stuff can help you loose weight. However, I highly doubt there's enough in here to help at all. On a not so good note - There is apparently a little bit of caffeine in it too.
*Riboflavin (3 mg) - A type of Vitamin B, and, when in the bloodstream, will help other B vitamins be more efficient. Is pretty healthy, and doesn't seem to have any downsides.
*Cyanocobalamin (3.5 mg) - Can be pretty important for the brain and nervous system, not to mention the formation of blood. However, there are some downsides to this... some major ones: It apparently can cause irreversible damage to the things it's supposed to help: The brain and nervous system, the latter being the most dangerous. Some of the things this can do to you - can cause itching, rashes, diarrhea, and more. Though I wouldn't worry about all this: Because it ultimately only happens to people who take to much, and there's not to much in Naked!
*Niacin (38 mg) - The recommended amount of Niacin each day is 2-12 for children, 14 for grown women, 16 for grown men, and 18 for pregnant women. I don't really know how much is too much, though 38 seems like quite a bit!
Fruits in Orange Mango Motion
*1 1/2 Oranges
*1 1/2 Apples
*1/2 Mango
*"and a hint of Banana"
That was fun!
Expect some comic reviews tomorrow
And if not then... then let's just hope that I'll be able to do so on Monday. I don't think I'll be here on Sunday, so sorry!
Nintendo characters - Princess Peach

Princess Peach is notable for being the best known dasmel in distress. It can probably be conclusive that no other person has ever been kidnapped as many times as Peach has... though there is a reason - It appears that Bowser, king of the Koopas isn't just a giant pervert, but is actually kidnapping Peach as she's the only one who's able to reverse the Koopa's black magic which they cast upon all of the Mushroom Kingdom's residents.
Rarely does she ever go out on adventures, though on some occassions when Mario is the one that's been trapped, she's the only one to go to. She uses her, ehh, feminine abilities making her a huge stereotype - Some of her special abilities include cring, rage, happines, and of course - she loves to cook.
She also seems to be Mario's gal, as he's always the one out rescuing her. She always seems to tease him by giving him a kiss... but it never seems to go any farther than that!
While auditioning for American Idol, Antoria goes into labor!
Characters that deserve to be assist trophies in Brawl (Star Fox series)
Yesterday I did Mario series characters, so today I'll give you some Star Fox peeps that I think deserve to be assist trophies. For the Mario one, either scroll down or click the link at the bottom of the page.
General Scales
Scales was actually a pretty awesome enemy in Adventures. I really enjoyed the game, and while he's not popular enough to be a playable character, there might just be a chance for him to be an assist. When you ask me "what would he do to attack?"... I'd reply by saying that you'd have to be a fool to not just look at him and thing - He has a sword, a claw for a hand... and he's a freaking dinosaur!!!
Another character from Adventures, this young Earthwalker's role was Fox's ally who stuck around with him throughout most of the game. I remember he could blow fire, so that could obviously be an attack, and I'd presume that getting rammed by him would cause a lot of damage, so that would work too!
Slippy Toad
Slippy is one of the more annoying characters in the Nintendo universe, so it's a shame that he isn't a playable character so I can beat him up. However, since he's quite popular in the series, I'd say that he has a pretty good chance of appearing in the game in some form, probably as an assist trophy. In Assault I know you could play as him on the battlefield, where he was able to use guns, which would probably be his main way to attack.
Andrew Oikonny or Andross
Andrew might actually appear as a playable character. It certainly would be awesome, though if he doesn't, it be sweat to see him as an assist trophy. But rather than having his form that you see to the right, I'd ultimatley love to see Andross, the big face and hands boss that you see in most of the games.
Why I didn't choose...
*Peppy Hare - While he's by far my favorite Star Fox character, he's rather old and it'd be cruel to put him on the battlefield.
*Krystal - I'm sure she'll probably be a playable character, but if she's not then yeah, expect her to be an assist.
*ROB 64 - Certainly not the fighting type.
*Star Wolf team - There's a chance some of them might appear as playable characters... though I have no idea.
*Mario character

Scales was actually a pretty awesome enemy in Adventures. I really enjoyed the game, and while he's not popular enough to be a playable character, there might just be a chance for him to be an assist. When you ask me "what would he do to attack?"... I'd reply by saying that you'd have to be a fool to not just look at him and thing - He has a sword, a claw for a hand... and he's a freaking dinosaur!!!

Another character from Adventures, this young Earthwalker's role was Fox's ally who stuck around with him throughout most of the game. I remember he could blow fire, so that could obviously be an attack, and I'd presume that getting rammed by him would cause a lot of damage, so that would work too!

Slippy is one of the more annoying characters in the Nintendo universe, so it's a shame that he isn't a playable character so I can beat him up. However, since he's quite popular in the series, I'd say that he has a pretty good chance of appearing in the game in some form, probably as an assist trophy. In Assault I know you could play as him on the battlefield, where he was able to use guns, which would probably be his main way to attack.

Andrew might actually appear as a playable character. It certainly would be awesome, though if he doesn't, it be sweat to see him as an assist trophy. But rather than having his form that you see to the right, I'd ultimatley love to see Andross, the big face and hands boss that you see in most of the games.
Why I didn't choose...
*Peppy Hare - While he's by far my favorite Star Fox character, he's rather old and it'd be cruel to put him on the battlefield.
*Krystal - I'm sure she'll probably be a playable character, but if she's not then yeah, expect her to be an assist.
*ROB 64 - Certainly not the fighting type.
*Star Wolf team - There's a chance some of them might appear as playable characters... though I have no idea.
*Mario character
Gmail going over 9030MB???
Reports are saying that some Gmail users have seen their storage's MB count go all the way up to a whopping 9030MB today! It's almost certainly not a glitch, though still - It's not as big as Yahoo's, which allows you to have unlimited storage...
Metroid news - Metroid, Super Metroid to be released on VC, MP3 movies!
Nintendo just updated their shop channel on the Wii with plenty of new Metroid updates in celebration of the upcoming Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. The best of this news is obviously the confirmation that Metroid and Super Metroid will be released this month (Metroid next week, Super Metroid the week after next). Also released were two new videos of Corruption, which can be viewed below!
Japanese retailers say Brawl will be online, November 22nd release date!
Multiple different Japanese retailers are saying that Super Smash Bros. Brawl will be online, and that it'll be released on November 22 in Japan (December 3 has been confirmed for America). Whether or not this is true is unknown, though the fact that not just one is saying this is pretty good!
Smash Bros. Brawl update - Franklin Badge

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