Transformers had been around since the early 80's, and ever since then they've been a cultural phenomenon, and Optimus Prime was a hero to thousands of kids watching the TV show at the time. About 20 years later, the kids that loved it then are still fans, and when Michael Bay was announced to direct the new film, there were mixed reactions from fans. Michael Bay isn't really considered an amazing director. His films, most notably Pearl Harbor, are so historically inacurate that it often times ruins the films. Bad Boys may be considered good to some, though overall the quaility has been declining. Luckily, Michael Bay is also very good at creating explosions and having car chases, and both of those features are intact here. But overall, how well does the film fair? Let's see!
Allright, the most notable aspect of the movie is that there are super large robots fighting down on earth. The special effects are some of the best that I've ever seen - It looks so real, and so perfect. The first fight with Bumblebee and Barricade worried me at first since it was often times hard to see what was going on, though later fights weren't this way. The fights are just plainly very good, the robots each have their own unique look, and once you first see Optimus Prime in his large semi transformation, you trully get a nostalgic feel, as does everyone else in the theater (everyone was cheering and screaming their heads off during these times).
The acting isn't horrible, though it's not particullarily great either. Some actors are very good, while others tend to fall short. I was surprised though to see that the film made me laugh a whole lot as well.
There were some times when I felt like I couldn't stand the characters, such as the australian woman and the soildier, though thankfully they didn't show them to much. I also couldn't help but notice that Sam Witwicky was a pretty big perve as well. Thankfully though they executed the personallities of the autobots and decepticons very well, and it was very enjoyable (so sometimes odd) to watch them talk. Sometimes though the writers try to make some of the autobots say funny things like "I sence that Sam wants to mate with that female", though it just made me feel rather unconfortable rather than wanting to laugh.
Overall, this was generally a pretty fun movie to watch, and I didn't come here to see a great story.
Acting: 6.5/10
Special Effects: 10/10
Story: 7/10
Overall: 7.5/10
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