I thought that the conclusion of the Back in Black 5 part arc would be something fantastic. The cover was revealed a while back, and as you can obviously see it got people speculating all over the message boards on what it could mean... well, as it turns out, it's nothing really special, and no where near fantastic. If you've been collecting the five part series so far, then you should obviously get it to finish it, though if not then you should certainly pass then one.
I'm just going right out and saying it, so note that if you are wierd about spoilers, then don't read - Aunt May doesn't die! SHOCKS! A dissapointing issue that looks at how Peter is a criminal, and he goes as far as knocking out a cop... bleh, this one may have been dissapointing - though the next arc - One More Day, certainly WON'T be!

Wow, is this issue really Halo? I read it, and it just didn't feel like a Halo story line to me! Meh, none-the-less the writing and story is okay and the art, while not as good as some of the previuos Halo comics, is still nice. The book was written by Brain Bendis, who is currently being noted as Marvel's main man right now. He's heading both Avengers story, and not to mention Ultimate Spider-Man. He didn't seem to put many, well, you know - words in this issue, which Marvel tends to do a lot. Still, you should check it out if you're 1. A fan of the series and 2. If you're wanting to get a comic that will someday, probably be a collector's item.

Here we go! Last month this was my favorite book, and this month seems to be the same. As mentioned in my review of StarLord #1, it's a shame that this will only be four issues long. The artwork is currently some of my favorite, and the characters are all just so lovable.
Two main characters die in this issue, one certainly, though another might, and probably will come back since you didn't really see him/her/it (not spoiling) die, and while you saw the other one getting blown up.
It's a shame that comics like the two others above will sell out, while this one certainly won't sell nearly all of them, maybe not even half of what the stores get. So please - if you're trying to find a new comic, do yourself a favor and check this (and the previous one) issue out, you (probably) won't be dissapointed.
10/10 (I just had to!)

This issue wasn't horrible like most are, as it actually went somewhere with the storylines. As always, I couldn't care less about the Karate Kid storyline, though the others are pretty good. I really don't care about the art, often times the character models look pretty, ehh, ugly.
Even though some of the story lines can be interesting, I just really don't care about the characters they chose to focus on. The only one that non-fans may even partically recognize is Atom Man, though maybe not even him.

Just as they did with Batman's 666 issue, Superman is also getting a Hell themed one for his 666, and it's not a dissapointment. For those who remember, I really didn't care for Batman #666, and gave it a 6/10. I thought that the same thing would end up happening with this issue, though I was wrong - it's pretty good.
Most of the issue focuses on Superman's dream, and in it he goes mad and starts to kill. I'm not going to spoil it for you and reveal what happens next - you'll just have to read it yourself. But it's pretty interesting. The art was pretty good, oddly my favorite design was the demon near the very end of the comic.
Amz. Spider-Man 543 was not disappointing. Hopefully Aunt May won't die again, anytime soon. We already saw her die in issue 400 and then brought back to life when volume 2 kicked into gear. She is indispensable to the story and would have to return anyway. If that occured, comics would lose all credibility. Nothing would have any consequence.
Amz. Spider-Man 543 was not disappointing. Hopefully Aunt May won't die again, anytime soon. We already saw her die in issue 400 and then brought back to life when volume 2 kicked into gear. She is indispensable to the story and would have to return anyway. If that occured, comics would lose all credibility. Nothing would have any consequence.
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