Thursday, August 16, 2007
And that's it for today!
I've got to go. If I'm lucky, I'll come back tomorrow. Seeya then... probably!
Smash updates...
All right, first off I'd like to say that this darned computer won't allow me to save images, and thus you won't be able to see 'em... on my blog, atleast. Obviously you can go over to to see the newly released images, or even IGN for god's sake.
I'm sure you've already checked the updates out via other websites or blogs, though I feel like it's my obligation to do so as well, so here they are -
One of the coolest updates this month - Stickers. They're not exactly trophies (which the director pretty much confirmed would be returning when he stated "Stickers are easier to get a hold of than trophies."). So, what exactly are they? Well, they're just all ready released artwork from seemingly random Nintendo games that you'll be able to add to your very own virtual scrap book.
Ones I've see so far from the images include -
*Rawk Hawk (Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door)
*Pak E. Derm (Yoshi's Story)
*Star (New Super Mario Bros.)
*Monkey (DK: Jungle Beat)
*Balloon Fighter (Balloon Fighter)
*Earth (Probably Mother/Earthbound)
*That spikey Kirby enemy (Kirby series)
*Gumshoe (?) character (Gumshoe)
*Mario Party block (Mario Party series)
*Toad (Mario series, not sure which game the artwork came from)
*F-Zero racer (Not sure which characters')
*Nintendog (Nintendog)
*Hammer Brother (New Super Mario Bros.)
*Brain Accademy dude (Need I say?)
*Lon Lon Milk (Ocarina of Time)
*Kirby (Don't know which game this artwork came from)
*Wario (Super Mario Strikers)
*Donkey Kong (Mario Superstar Baseball)
*Pianta (Super Mario Sunshine)
*Samurai Goroh (F-Zero)
*Ike (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance)
*Wario's kart (Mark Kart: Double Dash!!)
Obviously there will be more, but those are the ones that were shown in the images.
Tether Recovery
This is a technique that was first found in Melee, and it seems to be returning. What is it? Well, if you're too far away from the ledge and you can't use your up-b move, then some characters will throw out their whip (or something else similar such as a hook shot), and if they are able to hit the ledge with it, it'll latch on and bring you up. The only character for Brawl so far confirmed to be able to do this is Zero Suit Samus, where she'll use her whip.
However, he states that other characters will also be able to do this. He didn't say who, though I have some ideas - Obviously armored Samus Aran and Link could use their hookshot, and maybe even Yoshi could use his sticky tounge to do so.
I'm sure you've already checked the updates out via other websites or blogs, though I feel like it's my obligation to do so as well, so here they are -
One of the coolest updates this month - Stickers. They're not exactly trophies (which the director pretty much confirmed would be returning when he stated "Stickers are easier to get a hold of than trophies."). So, what exactly are they? Well, they're just all ready released artwork from seemingly random Nintendo games that you'll be able to add to your very own virtual scrap book.
Ones I've see so far from the images include -
*Rawk Hawk (Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door)
*Pak E. Derm (Yoshi's Story)
*Star (New Super Mario Bros.)
*Monkey (DK: Jungle Beat)
*Balloon Fighter (Balloon Fighter)
*Earth (Probably Mother/Earthbound)
*That spikey Kirby enemy (Kirby series)
*Gumshoe (?) character (Gumshoe)
*Mario Party block (Mario Party series)
*Toad (Mario series, not sure which game the artwork came from)
*F-Zero racer (Not sure which characters')
*Nintendog (Nintendog)
*Hammer Brother (New Super Mario Bros.)
*Brain Accademy dude (Need I say?)
*Lon Lon Milk (Ocarina of Time)
*Kirby (Don't know which game this artwork came from)
*Wario (Super Mario Strikers)
*Donkey Kong (Mario Superstar Baseball)
*Pianta (Super Mario Sunshine)
*Samurai Goroh (F-Zero)
*Ike (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance)
*Wario's kart (Mark Kart: Double Dash!!)
Obviously there will be more, but those are the ones that were shown in the images.
Tether Recovery
This is a technique that was first found in Melee, and it seems to be returning. What is it? Well, if you're too far away from the ledge and you can't use your up-b move, then some characters will throw out their whip (or something else similar such as a hook shot), and if they are able to hit the ledge with it, it'll latch on and bring you up. The only character for Brawl so far confirmed to be able to do this is Zero Suit Samus, where she'll use her whip.
However, he states that other characters will also be able to do this. He didn't say who, though I have some ideas - Obviously armored Samus Aran and Link could use their hookshot, and maybe even Yoshi could use his sticky tounge to do so.
Doctor Strange movie?!?
Obviously while I was gone a Doctor Strange animated DVD was released, though word has it that the Marvel hero will get his own big screen film, and that Marvel is currently looking for a director whom is willing to do so! More information once it comes out...
Movie news
*Holy frick - Rumor has it that Mrs. Scientologist Katie Cruise may star as Wonder Woman. I don't know what I think of this rumor, but as people all over the net are saying - take this with a grain of salt.
*Roland Emmerich to direct remake of Fantastic Voyage for 20th Century Fox.
*Isle of the Dead remake announced, to be made by RKO.
*Say what? Edward Norton to be the... writer of the Hulk (he's also the star of the upcoming movie)?
*Live action The Jungle Book movie announced. Apparently has a $50 budget.
*On my way to Rochester, I was wondering to myself who the &$#% could play Thor in the upcoming movie... Well, as it turns out I couldn't think of anyone. However, two names have popped up all over sites that sound pretty go(o)d to me (I see what I did thar). Here they are - Wrestler turned actor Triple H and (the better choice) Kevin McKidd, the star of the movie 'Rome'. At first it just didn't seem right for Triple H to play as Thor, though that was until I saw this picture!
*Roland Emmerich to direct remake of Fantastic Voyage for 20th Century Fox.
*Isle of the Dead remake announced, to be made by RKO.
*Say what? Edward Norton to be the... writer of the Hulk (he's also the star of the upcoming movie)?
*Live action The Jungle Book movie announced. Apparently has a $50 budget.
*On my way to Rochester, I was wondering to myself who the &$#% could play Thor in the upcoming movie... Well, as it turns out I couldn't think of anyone. However, two names have popped up all over sites that sound pretty go(o)d to me (I see what I did thar). Here they are - Wrestler turned actor Triple H and (the better choice) Kevin McKidd, the star of the movie 'Rome'. At first it just didn't seem right for Triple H to play as Thor, though that was until I saw this picture!
Xbox news
*As stated on the message below, Turok has been delayed until February 8th of next year...
*Turning Point also delayed until next year; no official release date yet.
*Borderlands, a sci-fi FPS game made by the creators of Brothers in Arms, announced.
*Turning Point also delayed until next year; no official release date yet.
*Borderlands, a sci-fi FPS game made by the creators of Brothers in Arms, announced.
Sony PS3/2/P news
*New sci-fi FPS game from the makers of Brothers in Arms is announced.
*Turok (all versions) delayed until February 8th of next year.
*Another delay - Turning Point, which like Turok has been delayed until sometime next year. Unfortunately for the people anticipating the game - it doesn't have an official release date now, other than just "early next year".
*Alien Vs. Predator announced for the PSP.
*Alvin and the Chipmunks announced for the PlayStation 2... Also, btw - I forgot to mention that the game is also being released on DS and Wii, as well as the PC.
*Turok (all versions) delayed until February 8th of next year.
*Another delay - Turning Point, which like Turok has been delayed until sometime next year. Unfortunately for the people anticipating the game - it doesn't have an official release date now, other than just "early next year".
*Alien Vs. Predator announced for the PSP.
*Alvin and the Chipmunks announced for the PlayStation 2... Also, btw - I forgot to mention that the game is also being released on DS and Wii, as well as the PC.
Nintendo news
I simply don't have the time to write a single post for all the news, so I'll just add all the Nintendo/Sony/Mircrosoft/Comics/etc... news in their own post... sorry!
*Power Rangers Super Legends announced for the Gamecube. Never seen the show, and the fact that this will appear on a dead console doesn't look good for the game.
*Cooking Mama 2 for the Nintendo DS and Wii will be released on November 15th... in Japan. Even though the game's release date hasn't been announced for America, it should be noted that while I've been gone it was officially announced for America, and has also been subtitled - Cooking Mama 2: Dinner with Friends.
*Pretty much confirmed - Boogie sucks! Don't get it!
*Some details concerning Star Soldier R for Wii - Will include non stop action, classic controller support, and multi-shot weapon.
*Zoo Tycoon 2 to hit the Nintendo DS. The original on DS got mixed reviews for the DS, mostly average.
*Guitar Hero DS certainly coming...
*Madden '08 for Wii is, as expected, supposed to be pretty good. Gets an 8 from GS.
*Indoor Sports and Cabela's Monster Bass announced for Wii.
*Mother Brain will apparently reappear in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. For those who don't know - Mother Brain is the coolest Metroid character of all time... well, Samus is, but MB is pretty cool too!
*Nitrobike will be released in Europe in November of this year.
Also, I forgot to say in my previous post that I may be here for longer than I thought, but just about a day or so longer. Expect me to be back by Monday...
*Power Rangers Super Legends announced for the Gamecube. Never seen the show, and the fact that this will appear on a dead console doesn't look good for the game.
*Cooking Mama 2 for the Nintendo DS and Wii will be released on November 15th... in Japan. Even though the game's release date hasn't been announced for America, it should be noted that while I've been gone it was officially announced for America, and has also been subtitled - Cooking Mama 2: Dinner with Friends.
*Pretty much confirmed - Boogie sucks! Don't get it!
*Some details concerning Star Soldier R for Wii - Will include non stop action, classic controller support, and multi-shot weapon.
*Zoo Tycoon 2 to hit the Nintendo DS. The original on DS got mixed reviews for the DS, mostly average.
*Guitar Hero DS certainly coming...
*Madden '08 for Wii is, as expected, supposed to be pretty good. Gets an 8 from GS.
*Indoor Sports and Cabela's Monster Bass announced for Wii.
*Mother Brain will apparently reappear in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. For those who don't know - Mother Brain is the coolest Metroid character of all time... well, Samus is, but MB is pretty cool too!
*Nitrobike will be released in Europe in November of this year.
Also, I forgot to say in my previous post that I may be here for longer than I thought, but just about a day or so longer. Expect me to be back by Monday...
A few updates
So, right now I'm at the Mayo Clinic (the best known hospital in the world), and I'm sitting down at one of the computers they have, doing updates on my blog. Despite the fact that it pretty much says I shouldn't be doing this kind of stuff.... none-the-less, I'd say this is pretty important, so I'll try to get in the major news before I have to leave to see how my grandparents are doing (it's nothing serious, despite the fact that my grandma's here she couldn't help but go to the shoe store)...
The run down
Okay, eariler I said that I was going to bring the computer on my vacation so that I could do updates. Well, as it turns out, I couldn't, and right now I'm using a computer that's only supposed to be used for buisness, and I have a feeling that I'll be found out soon, so I have to make this quick - All I know is that I'll be back home in a few days, so until then - seeya!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Space hotel in 2012
Six possible titles for Indiana Jones IV

*Indiana Jones and the City of Gods
*Indiana Jones and the Destroyer of Worlds
*Indiana Jones and the Fourth Corner of the Earth
*Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
*Indiana Jones and the Lost City of Gold
*Indiana Jones and the Quest for the Covenant
Time to speculate - which one do you think/hope might just be the title?
Oh yeah - and the Indiana Jones triology were the best three films of all time...
Today ---
Today I may or may not be able to post on the blog. Mainly because I'll be out of town for the next couple of days, and I have no clue whether or not the hotel I'm staying at has internet service. However, there is a Barnes & Noble connected to the hotel, and as you probably know all Barnes & Nobles have free internet connection, so I'll try and do some updates there.
In the car ride I'll be writing some articles for the site that, some that I won't add for a long time. When I get to Minnesota, I'll do my best to update as much as I can. BTW - I still have a few hours left until I leave, so I still have time to get the current news, or atleast some of it in.
In the car ride I'll be writing some articles for the site that, some that I won't add for a long time. When I get to Minnesota, I'll do my best to update as much as I can. BTW - I still have a few hours left until I leave, so I still have time to get the current news, or atleast some of it in.
Commercial that rips off Katamari
I saw this commercial a few months ago on TV, and couldn't believe how it much of a rip off it was of Katamari (even if it is amaazingly cool). I forgot about it, but since the new Katamari demo came up, I went over to to see if I could find it. Enjoy -
Have a 360? Then download the Beautiful Katamari demo NOW!
Katamari is a game that is simply outstanding. I got the game near the beginning on the PS2, when there were still so many nay-sayers around. I stuck with the franchise forever, and while the graphics may not have a big bump for the 360, I'm still looking forward to this sequel. If you have a 360, and live in the U.S., Mexico, or Canada, then you'll be able to download a demo of the game online...
Smash Bros. Update - Assist character: Devil

This is one I certainly didn't expect. If any character would appear in Brawl, I would've expected Tamagon (I think that's his name, right?), the green protagonist. The game is pretty much a clone of Pac-Man, though it had some of its own unique twists in there. The devil is obviously the antagonist to out assumingly amphibious friend.
The developers gave this assist chracter a move set that obviously wasn't present in the NES, or Famicom atleast (the game wasn't released in America) game. Apparently what he does is scrolls the screen so that panic will arise and people will start to fall off of it.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Nintendo Characters - Mike Jones
Oh, Mike Jones, you under-appreciated character who's only appeared in two games. You may have an odd tendency to stick, erm, banans in your ears, though I guess I can't say anything because I used to stick grapes up my snoz... of course that was when I was much younger... Maybe I should stop talking...
Anyway, the character is the protagonist of StarTropics, a quirky title where you're weapons include some items that Ness from Earthbound also seems to use: Yo-yos, baseball bats, and the like. In the dungeons he fights many enemies... oddly he views the "snail" as an enemy, though he'll battle harder opponents later on... including but not limited to a chicken body with a human skeleton head on top, a bowling ball, and a ninja monkey...
Anyway, fans of the character and series are hoping for a revival of them both. Possibly an appearance in Brawl could start the spark!
Anyway, the character is the protagonist of StarTropics, a quirky title where you're weapons include some items that Ness from Earthbound also seems to use: Yo-yos, baseball bats, and the like. In the dungeons he fights many enemies... oddly he views the "snail" as an enemy, though he'll battle harder opponents later on... including but not limited to a chicken body with a human skeleton head on top, a bowling ball, and a ninja monkey...
Anyway, fans of the character and series are hoping for a revival of them both. Possibly an appearance in Brawl could start the spark!
First images of Rendition
Man today's a slow news day... This is like the fourth post in a row (maybe even more) that's showing movie images on movies that no one probably cares about...

More here!

More here!
Got bored with other poll, added new one.
I thought this would appeal to the people who are visiting my site more than the other one.
Tomorrow on DVD
Well, the main thing I'm looking forward to is Doctor Strange, though sadly it comes out when I'm out of town, so I 1. Won't be able to watch it soon and 2. Won't be able to write me review on it until maybe next week or so. Well, anyway, there are plenty of new DVD's that are going to be released tomorrow, so I'll list some of them here
*Like Minds
*David Lynch's Inland Empire
*The Lookout
*Wild Hogs
*Doctor Strange
*Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters for DVD
*Kissology 2
*Avatar the Last Airbender: Book 2 Earth Vol 4
*Doctor Who - Survival
More here!
*Like Minds
*David Lynch's Inland Empire
*The Lookout
*Wild Hogs
*Doctor Strange
*Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters for DVD
*Kissology 2
*Avatar the Last Airbender: Book 2 Earth Vol 4
*Doctor Who - Survival
More here!
Aqua Teen Hunger Force,
Doctor Strange,
New images!
New Indiana Jones IV video via official website
While it sadly doesn't show any in-movie footage, it does show some interviews with the creators, including Stephen, Harrison, and George. Check it out at the link below.
"GOD" found in an eggplant.
New poll up!
Well, it's pretty late, though it's there!
So, I've been thinking of doing this poll for a few weeks, though never got around to doing it. So, when you were a kid (or if you still are!), what was (or is) your favorite toy. Mine, by the way, were construction toys!
*Construction toys - Includes Legos, blocks, Lincoln Logs, etc...
*Action figures or dolls - Includes toy soldiers, Barbies, Transformers, etc...
*Toy vehicles - You know, anything that has wheels, wings, etc...
*Stuffed animals - Teddy bears, Beanie Babies, etc...
So, I've been thinking of doing this poll for a few weeks, though never got around to doing it. So, when you were a kid (or if you still are!), what was (or is) your favorite toy. Mine, by the way, were construction toys!
*Construction toys - Includes Legos, blocks, Lincoln Logs, etc...
*Action figures or dolls - Includes toy soldiers, Barbies, Transformers, etc...
*Toy vehicles - You know, anything that has wheels, wings, etc...
*Stuffed animals - Teddy bears, Beanie Babies, etc...
As expected, Universal's price goes up as well...

And yes, that picture above is from Universal... You've got to love the four main Universal monsters!
New Virtual Console games this week.
Obviously the hard hitter this week is Metroid, and will probably be the only game anyone will be buying this week... but, then again, it's not like you don't have 5 other versions of it (believe me, if you're a Metroid fan, you probably do, as it's been included with a lot of Metroid games).
If Metroid isn't for you, then you can pick up Shining in the Darkness or Cratermaze.
Also, don't forget that next month, the SNES classic Super Metroid will be released on the Virtual Console!
If Metroid isn't for you, then you can pick up Shining in the Darkness or Cratermaze.
Also, don't forget that next month, the SNES classic Super Metroid will be released on the Virtual Console!
007 22 information
During the press conference for Daniel Craig's new movie The Invasion, he spoke a little about the more anticipated/important/better movie - James Bond 22 (obviously not the official title).
*First off, they haven't finished the story arc... That's hardly news!
*There will be a bit of revenge since he lost his girl... oh boy!
But the real news is found within the website, where they had the following to say -
That's the only bit of real news that was revealed this week regarding the film.
*First off, they haven't finished the story arc... That's hardly news!
*There will be a bit of revenge since he lost his girl... oh boy!
But the real news is found within the website, where they had the following to say -
"[the movie will] reach its climax in a chase against the background of the Palio, the centuries-old and controversial bareback horse race in the historic Tuscan hill town of Siena."
That's the only bit of real news that was revealed this week regarding the film.
Sonic Riders sequel confirmed
earlier in the month we heard word that there would be a sequel to Sonic Riders on the Wii and PS2. Well, in the recent issue of Play Magazine, they confirm this, and also give some details about the game.
Apparently in the first game (which was released on PSP), there was a character named Jet the Hawk, and he will be returning. Two courses were confirmed - Botanical Kingdom and Crimson Crater (Since I don't have the issue yet, I can't confirm if there were images of anything listed here). In the original, there was a mode called Trick System, and that will be returning, while another mode, Turbulence, will not.
Apparently in the first game (which was released on PSP), there was a character named Jet the Hawk, and he will be returning. Two courses were confirmed - Botanical Kingdom and Crimson Crater (Since I don't have the issue yet, I can't confirm if there were images of anything listed here). In the original, there was a mode called Trick System, and that will be returning, while another mode, Turbulence, will not.
Snakes on a Plane - It's for reals

Anyway, I know it's hard to believe, though I found it over at the Seattle Times website...
Halo: Uprising preview pages
Over at, the company released some more preview pages of the upcoming Halo: Uprising comic. Check out one of them below, and the rest of them at the link!

More here!

More here!
Smash Bros. Brawl update - Pokémon Trainer!

More images and information!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Google: Failures!
Awww, Google, you're so funny. Here are some funny results that will come up when you post "*something* failures".
Type in - Failures - Fifth one on the list says "President of the United States - George W. Bush", and links to the official White House webpage. If you haden't noticed - The word "failure" is no where to be found!
Type in - "Biggest Game Failures" at, and see what comes up. If you're not in the mood, it ends up being Electronic Arts. So the question is - is this a bash at EA or just a common Google mistake???
Yes... it's a slow news day!
Type in - Failures - Fifth one on the list says "President of the United States - George W. Bush", and links to the official White House webpage. If you haden't noticed - The word "failure" is no where to be found!
Type in - "Biggest Game Failures" at, and see what comes up. If you're not in the mood, it ends up being Electronic Arts. So the question is - is this a bash at EA or just a common Google mistake???
Yes... it's a slow news day!
Copter Game!
Here's a fun game I found on the internet. My current High score is 803... Tell me your high score once you get it!
Freddy Vs. Jason Vs. Ash announced at Wizard World
Something tells me this is going to suck, but what do I know? Over at Wizard World, Wildstorm announced Freddy Vs. Jason Vs. Ash, and in all there will be six issues. The issues will start in November, and the covers will be drawn by J. Scott Campbell, and the art inside the book will be made by Jason Craig. Writer of the series will be James Kuhoric.

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