IGN just posted up a preview of Sub-Mariner #3 with six pages! Here's what Marvel had to say about it:
"After plowing through Iron Man and his armada of S.H.I.E.L.D. submarines, Namor searches for his old ally, Charles Xavier, only to find the Canadian berserker ready and waiting for a scrap at the gates of the X-Mansion! Meanwhile, sinister figures are lurking in the shadows; the rogue Atlanteans make plans to murder their "traitor king," but the vicious Venom might beat them to the punch if he develops a taste for seafood!
The conflict heats up in Sub-Mariner #3; will all of this tension lead to an inevitable war between Atlantis and America…and more importantly, will that war result in Namor's death? One thing is certain, the monarch of the seas won't go down without a fight - Imperius Rex!"
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