Ivysaur is the first evolved form of Bulbasaur. While Bulbasuar had nothing but a bulb on his back, Ivysaur has a good ol' pink flower. As his pre-evolved form, Ivysaur is able to obtaiin energy when the flower sucks in the sun's rays.

They need to live in areas with tons of sun and fresh water. Oddly, they are able to surive in Pokéballs, which if I'm correct, contain no water or sun light... The Pokédex confirmed that once a Bulbasaur grows into an Ivysaur, it'll loose his ability to stand on its hind legs. However, the game's designers failed to realize that in the Pokédex image in Blue, Red, and Yellow, the Ivysaur is standing on its hind legs (as you can see to the right)!
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