I've already been deemed as the biggest whiner of the month for saying Nintendo's conference was dissapointing, though I didn't really give an in-depth look at why I was. And now that E3 is definately finished, I can surely say that this was the most dissapointing year when it comes to Nintendo... and I'll say why.
First off was the press conference. For the most part, Nintendo was quite arrogant (and this is coming from a huge Nintendo fan BTW) during their large speach of how they totally dominated the competition. Why it may ultimately be true, it gets quite tedious to hear them say it over and over again.
Then they revealed the Wii Zapper. When they announced it, I was quite confused. It looked uncomfortable to handle, and I also felt like you could control games easier with just holding the Wii remote in one hand and the nunchuck in the other like you do with most games. Though with the Wii Zapper, this was a perfect time to announce the game they were developing, though they didn't, they just showed off third party titles.
Next thing I'm dissapointed in was the amount of games (both casual and hardcore) that Nintendo announced. I'm sure everyone here remembers just how big last years' E3 was - It almost seemed like every hour Nintendo announced more and more quality looking games. And then when all hope for a new Smash Bros. was lost - they revealed it a couple days after the press conference. Not only did they only reveal five (I'm pretty sure only five) games, though only two of them were actual hardcore games, one of which (Advance Wars DS 2) wasn't even shown. Mario Kart Wii was great to see, though it just wasn't enough.
Now onto the casual games - I personally think Wii Fit looks great, though it's really odd to see this Eye game they're making. It looks really unprofessional and really un fun. Mario Party DS just made me sigh.
Now I hope you atleast see why I'm reletavely dissapointed with this year's E3. If you have any questions, send them over to the comments page.
Aww... a tear shed for those not reveiled... Now, don't be sad, my fanboy friend, E for All is coming! Furthermore, Nintendo is the leader in that party! Not all is lost... things are getting better all the time!
*sob*, I'm... not *sob* a fanboy you big *sob* meanie...
Don't be a sissy. We all know what we are at Bentendo 64.
Yah yah...
Anyway... hehe, funny owl...
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