If you check the link I gave below, you can see that IGN is doing live text based updates. I'll post them here as they happen.
9:00 a.m.: We're up and running on our EVDO now. Mucho better. "Izza niiice!" Meanwhile, the suckers behind us are still leaching crap-speed Internet. The announcer guy just said, "Ladies and gentlemen, the show ill begin in approximately two minutes." Then he said something about turning off portable electronics -- we weren't really listening. Wait, what?
8:57 a.m.: Soon, we have to think Reggie will take the stage and talk about how the expanded audience has spoken, etc. As if on cue, an announcer just said, "Ladies and gentlemen, the show will begin in approximately five minutes."
8:55. a.m.: The free wireless pretty much sucks because everybody is using it. We're going to pop in our EVDO cards and see if we get better speeds. Meanwhile, there is a guy behind us wearing a hat with a video camera embedded into the front. Yep, the Nintendo fans are here.
8:50 a.m.: We've got Craig Harris on photo duty. Hopefully he'll get some pics in soon, or we might have to fire him soon. Photos will be uploaded as they come in to this article, so just sit tight.
8:47 a.m.: Giant Nintendo logo on the screen. We spot sensor bars all over the place. Somewhere in the back of this place, the video crews are getting ready to stream. That means Fran Mirabella is back there somewhere. We'd like to punch him in the face.
8:45 a.m.: This place is starting to fill up. Nintendo's got some music playing in the background. People are walking all over the place. We spot peeps from CNN, Wired, USA Today, a billion or two fansites, and more. We're confident they all want our seats, but it's not happening.
8:30 a.m.: We've all got front-row seats. As it should be. If only we had brought Wii remotes, we could probably have interfered with all their gameplay demonstrations. Next time.
8:15 a.m.: Nintendo employees are inside the auditorium. We spot Shigeru Miyamoto as he examines some crazy circular-based video camera. (It is there for filming purposes and has nothing to do with Wii or DS.) Miyamoto is smiling as he twists and turns the device.
Perrin, Beth and George Harrison are all walking about, doing meet and greets.
Translator Bill Trinen, who always handles Miyamoto's stuff, is sitting in the front row... asleep. "Dude, can't you at least fake excitement for this show?" we ask him. He does not appear amused.
8:00 a.m.: Media are gathered in front of the auditorium. We nab our credentials and some donuts, both integral to coverage, and head inside the venue.
7:55 a.m.: We arrive at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium to attend the big event. While parking, we nearly crash into and kill NOA's super-duo, Perrin Kaplan and Beth Llewelyn. Whoops.
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