Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Nintendo Characters - Ganon

Ganon is known as the antagonist of the Zelda series, or atleast the main one. He's the most common boss in any Zelda game, and is currently the only enemy in the series who's managed to find a spot in the Super Smash Bros. roster. He's able to transform into many forms, such as a pig, a human, and another hulking, ugly looking pig... I don't see how the former would have a positive effect on anyone, though he is a tough baddy in that form!

He pretty much only performs acts of hate out of anger, and really doesn't like anyone. He lusts for power, and because of this he must be thwarted by the hero of time, a.k.a. Link!

He's a powerful sorcerer and a master swordsmen, and can only be defeated by the master sword. He's usually killed once Link plows his sword into his head or chest, though he, or atleast another incarnation, always seems to come back to cause terror in Hyrule.

When Ganondorf is reported as trying to take over the world, it's not something to take lightly, seeing that the only being that is able to stop him is the hero of time.

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