Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Smash Bros. Brawl update - Pokémon Trainer special moves

Well, the special moves for the Pokemon Trainer's Pokemon have been announced, or atleast 6/9 of them have... Check them out below -

*Squirtle Up B - Waterfall: Will cause, as you probably guessed, a giant waterfall.
*Squirtl Side B - Withdraw: Will go into his shell and spin around the stage.
*Ivysaur Standard B - Bullet Seed: Will shoot seeds from his bulb at bullet speed.
*Ivysaur Up B - Vine Whip: Will cause a vine to shoot out of his bulb which can latch onto things above.
*Charizard Standard B - Flamethrower: Must I say what this is?
*Charizard Sid B - Rock Smash: Will cause Charizard to pick up a rock and toss it at his opponents.


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