Monday, August 13, 2007

Nintendo Characters - Mike Jones

Oh, Mike Jones, you under-appreciated character who's only appeared in two games. You may have an odd tendency to stick, erm, banans in your ears, though I guess I can't say anything because I used to stick grapes up my snoz... of course that was when I was much younger... Maybe I should stop talking...

Anyway, the character is the protagonist of StarTropics, a quirky title where you're weapons include some items that Ness from Earthbound also seems to use: Yo-yos, baseball bats, and the like. In the dungeons he fights many enemies... oddly he views the "snail" as an enemy, though he'll battle harder opponents later on... including but not limited to a chicken body with a human skeleton head on top, a bowling ball, and a ninja monkey...

Anyway, fans of the character and series are hoping for a revival of them both. Possibly an appearance in Brawl could start the spark!

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