Friday, July 27, 2007

ComicCon 2007 - New Godfather comic!

The Godfather is without a doubt, one of the greatest movies of all time. The second one is considered by some to be even better! While the third one may ultimately be a stinker, I'm sure this newly announced Godfather comic won't be. While it's not being made by the higher ups such as Marvel or DC Comics, I have little doubt in my mind that this will be a not only successful comic, though a worthwhile one as well.

The comics and graphic novels, which is being published by Paramount Pictures and BOOM! Studios, will premier in the winter of this year! While the writer of the anticipated comics is not yet known, there has been a confirmation on who the artist for the first few comics will be - Greg Scott.

BOOM! Studios had to say that because of Marvel's Dark Tower comic series, new readers of comic books are coming in, and says that this will be another comic that will be huge in that way. As formerly said, I don't have doubts that this will be a good book, though I do have doubts on whether or not it can surpass the Dark Tower comic books, which are currently must haves

Once more information on the comic book is released, maybe even artwork, I'll report on it!

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