Allegedly, she knew about it the whole time, though no surgeon would dare touch the dreaded pencil, seeing that it was unpleasantly close to her critical parts of the brain. However, after countless nose bleads and a (prior to the surgery, of course) seemingly endless headache, new and advanced technology was able to remove it. Sadly (for her atleast... haha), the tip had been so firmly lodged into her head that it was impossible to remove...
When asked the obviously wanted question of how the &%$# the danged thing got in there in the first place, she stated that while four years old (as previously stated), she fell over and the pencil she was carrying around, well, you know (don't want to be entirely descriptive here...). Here's what she then said: "The pencil went right through my skin -- and disappeared into my head," so says Margret Wegner, the gal it happened too.
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