Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Pokemon species #001 - Bulbasaur

Bulbasaur is, as stated above, the first Pokémon in the national Pokédex. It's an ugly little thing with a great big bulb (hence their name) on its back. They're one of the three starter Pokémon that you are able to obtain in Pokémon Red or Blue, and are one of the many different grass and poison type Pokémon.

According to the in-game Pokédex found in the games, a seed is grounded on a Bulbasaur's back once it it born, and thus that seed will bloom into the bulb. It grows by the sunlight the bulb takes in, which makes it evolve into more powerful creatures.

Like most Pokémon, their anime voices are completely annoying, as they continue to state their name over and over. I've only seen a few of the episodes, but I've seen enough to know that if I got a real life starter Pokémon, it surely wouldn't be the galling Bulbasaur... I'd get a freakin Charmander for god's sake!

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