Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Pre-Order Wrath of the Lich King at Gamestop

If you're wanting to but the next installment of World of Warcraft, then head over to Gamestop right now. No, they don't have any in stock, probably because it's not finished yet and hasn't gone gold, though you can now pre-order it. But do so soon, because, unless you've been living under a rock (good one Ben), you must know that this is a popular series, and reservations will go out soon.

Oddly enough though, I don't trully understand why they're doing this, seeing that there's 1. no price and 2. no release date. None-the-less, it'll most certainly come out, so that's good enough, right?

Also take note that if you want to pre-order it, you'll have to bring 10 bucks rather than the usual 5. The price, however, will go right to the game, so if it costs, say $40, you'll only have to pay $30 when you buy the actual copy of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for it!