Microsoft's Shane Kim (two first names...) stated in an interview with GameInformer online that the announcement of Resident Evil 5 on the Xbox 360 was the big thing at E3... Billy Berghammer, who asked the questions, confirmed to him that it was revealed two years ago that it was coming to the 360 (and I remember that!), though Shane's ignorance thought otherwise and didn't believe him! Check out the interview -
"Kim: Yeah, but here’s the thing: I think one of the most important, subtle announcements at the Xbox 360 briefing is that Resident Evil is coming to Xbox 360. Yes, it’s from Capcom, who’s been a great supporter of us.
GI: But we knew that two years ago.
Kim: What?
GI: Resident Evil. It was shown at TGS two years ago.
Kim: No, but coming to Xbox 360.
GI: Yeah. It was at the press event.
Kim: I don’t think so.
GI: I’m positive. I was there.
Kim: Really?
GI: It was shown at both press conferences.
Kim: That RE5 was coming to…?
GI: Yep.
Kim: I’m going to have to confirm that. That was supposed to be the big announcement. Anyway, my point there though is that every major Japanese publisher is supporting the Xbox 360. That was not the case in Xbox v1. I think every Japanese publisher, they’re business guys, too. They’re like, “Look, we need to support Xbox 360,” because outside of Japan, we’re the leader in the next generation. And Wii’s not a great platform for them to do Final Fantasy epic-level types of titles, and PS3 doesn’t have a big install base and lacks momentum of their own. I think you’re going to see more and more Japanese content for Xbox 360. Hopefully, you’ll see more Japanese customers for Xbox 360, even though we’ve got that smaller install base. It’s a chicken and egg thing, right? It always starts with content. Hopefully, we climbed the hump with Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey when people see them. We’re not backing away from Japan, because we’re starting to win with Japanese publishers, and the more content we can get from those guys…"
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