Monday, August 20, 2007

Marvel Characters - Henry Pym

Henry "Hank" Pym has multiple aliases. His first one that he took over was Ant-Man, which not only allowed him to shrink down to the size of an ant, but he was also able to, through a helmet he made, talk to the ants and command them to do whatever he wishes. Soon after he took over the name Ant-Man, he was joined by another shrinker - the Wasp, who would later become his wife. The two, along with Iron Man and Thor, would later be known as the people who founded the Avengers.

Around this time, he took on a new alias - Giant Man, which as the name suggests expands his size rather than shortens it. However, he more than often put on the Ant-Man helmet when times were needed. He later quit the Avengers, though would shortly come back with yet a new alias - Goliath, which had the same powers as Giant-Man did, but just with a more original name.

However, the good times didn't last - He would soon have an exhaustive breakdown, and was later known to beat up his wife and thus was forced to quit the Avengers. Despite this, it seems like his temper is dissapearin.

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