Real name: Peter Parker
First appearance: Amazing Fantasy #15
Prior to the events that would change his, and his families' lives for ever, his parents died in a plane crash when he was just a kid. Once the event happened, his aunt May and uncle Ben took care of him. Peter Parker was a fifteen year old kid when he was bit by a radioactive spider that gave him amazing abilities. Within just a few hours after he was bit, he found out that he was able to climb up walls, among other abilites as well.
With these powers, he started to go into show buissness to show them off, and also created a costume as well. One night after a show, a burglar was fleeing, and the security guard asked him to stop him. Peter did nothing, and the criminal got away. Soon later the man that got away killed Peter's Uncle Ben. Knowing this, Peter felt terrible guilt, and swore to use his powers to fight crime.
About the same time that Peter obtains his spider-abilities, super criminals are on the loose and are causing havok, including Doctor Octopus, The Vulture, The Green Goblin, and even Fantastic Four baddy Doctor Doom.
Also with his abilities, he is able to take outstanding pictures of himself while battling enemies, which he sends into the Daily Bugile for big bucks (however, no one knows his true identity at this time, and he claims that he's just a good friend of Spider-Man).
During the series' history, Spider-Man married Marry Jane, and also became one of the world's best known super heroes. In the real world (you know, the one that you and I live in), he has been deemed as one of the most popular super heroes, and as Marvel's official mascot.
Spider-Man has trully uniqe and original powers that are no part of the cliched abilities that most super heroes have (i.e. Flying, Elastability (sp?), shapeshifter, ect...). Some of his more notable abilities include being able to climb up walls, shoot out webbing, which he can use to swing all over town, grasp onto enemies and pull them in, trap people, and more. His spider-sence allows him to sence oncoming projectiles, enemies, cars, pretty much anything. He also has increased strength, speed, and agility.
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