Saturday, August 4, 2007

Microsoft proves their evilness by, well, just read...

"Microsoft has now officially responded to an Illinois family's lawsuit in which a fire was allegedly caused by a faulty Xbox console in December of 2004. The fire resulted in the death of an infant, Wade Kline. According to the lawsuit, the fire was caused by an overheating power supply, which became so hot as to start the deadly fire. Microsoft, in response, has stated that the fire was wholly the responsibility of the family, and that it was the result of "misuse or abuse" of the console in question. Furthermore, Microsoft claims that the fire was the result of an "obvious" condition of which the family was aware. Considering Microsoft did not recall power cords until February of 2005 (on account of fire concerns) we're not sure to what obvious condition Microsoft is referring. Microsoft is asking that the case be dismissed and that the Kline family pay the company's legal fees." -

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