Susan Storm Richards is one of the most valuable Fantastic Four members as she can 1. Turn invisible, 2. Generate a force field around her or others, and even 3. Fly through the air by projecting force fields underneith her. She became the Invisible Woman after, along with her brother Johnny Storm, her husband Reed Richards, and friend Ben Grimm, got exposed to cosmic radiation while trying to travel to different solar systems. Ultimately their plan failed, though they did obtain amazing powers which would greatly help them save humanity.
Soon after marrying Reed, she became pregnant, and then gave birth to their first child, Franklin Richards.
Later on in following those events, Reed was seemingly killed by Doctor Doom, and Susan took his place as leader of the Fantastic Four. During this time, Namor, the Sub-Mariner, was rejected by Susan after trying to go out with her.
Later on, when it was found that Reed was still alive, the two of them got together once again, and Reed took over the team.
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