Smash Bros. Update - What is the Supspace Emissary?
Wow, I really didn't expect this to happen. Apparently the new adventure mode will be an entire sidescrolling game! From what I've seen in the images, it seems like there will be sweet new enemies, though I've also spotted Bullet Bills (and Fox fighting a Hammer Bro, though if anything it's just an assist trophy). The director also revealed that in between the main game are short little movies, images of which can be seen below -
You can pretty much come to the conclusion that Peach will be a playable character!
Here we have Pit fighting those Modea creatures.
Where do you assume Samus is? Possibly Snake's place?
Yoshi and Link looking at the oncoming Halberd.
Who's that glowing princess? I'd say Palutena from the Kid Icarus series, wouldn't you?
Fox getting shot at by the Halberd it seems.
Even though the movie shots were enough, he gave us seven, in game images of teh Supspace Emissary! -
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