Real name - Steve Rogers
First appearance - Captain America Comics #1 (March 1941)
First appearing in 1941, Captain America is one of the first characters that Marvel ever created, and certainly the oldest character that to this day is still popular. The captain has enhanced strength thanks to a super soldier serum that the United States government enjected into him in hopes of being able to create a super soldier. It was a success. However, a nazi (note that this takes place in the 40's) spy found out about this new serum, and the opposing forces destroyed the testing area, making it clear that Steve would be the only human that would be enjected with the serum. Many people in the future tryed to duplicate the serum, though they usually end in failure.
Well, back in the 40's, Captain America and his team member Bucky Barnes have had many successful victories, defeating enemies including the Red Skull. Now they were set to go on a mission to seize Baron Zemo, who stole a British plane to escape. Both Captain America and Bucky lunged onto the plane, though Steve slipped off of it and fell down into the icy cold water, seemingly killing him. Bucky stayed on, though the plane self-exploded, thus killing Cap's partner.
Far into the future, the Avengers are searching for Namor, a man who lives under water, who also helped Cap way back when. While searching for their enemy, they come across Cap's frozen body, and brought him out of the water. While in the water, he did not age. When brought back onto land, they were miracuously able to revive him back to life.
Confused and trying to get acustomed to this new way of life, Steve accepted the Avengers' offer to join their team, and soon became one of the greatest heroes of this era, just as he was back in the 40's.
However, once all super heroes were required to join the government and let everyone know who they were, cap and a gang of other super heroes went underground, and after years of being in a seemingly unbreakable bond, Steve Rogers became Tony Stark's (Iron Man) greatest enemy for not obeying the law.
At the end, Steve Rogers understood, after causing great destruction with a large super hero fight, that he deserves to go to jail. Soon later, after going to another jail, he was shot and killed.
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