Assassin's Creed has been deemed by me as graphically the most impressive game of this generation as of yet. Ubisoft is yet again making a more than likley surperb action adventure game that will probably surpass their previous perfections such as Prince of Persia and Beyond Good and Evil.
The game takes place during the year 1191, and you control Altair, who's goal is to K.O. the nine historical figures who are propagating the third crusade. Something entirely uniqe about the game is that almost everything is interactive. One rather neat example of this is while running through a city - if he knocks down or possibly (god forbid!) even kills an innocent bystander, the crowd around him will get rather angry and will try to take you down, and thus you'll have to run away.
Ubisoft on multiple occassions have noted that the game is incredibly accurate when it comes to historic events. It should also be noted that in 1191, the nine historic figures who you must kill in the game all have died in 1191, and while it is unknown if they were assassinated or not, it is generally accepted or considered that they were.
The extent of actions that the player can do is beyond enormous - it's astronomic! You can litterally (according to Ubisoft), interact with any object that stands out two inches! Another innovation is the "social stealth", which will allow the player to, in a sence, blend in with the people around you, instead of being limited to shadows and so on.
The weaponry included in the game is also vast. Some of the weapons shown so far are swords, crossbows (which oddly appears to be used as an axe as well), throwing daggers, and more.
Expect to play the game fully in November of this year.
More "anticipated games" articles:
*Super Mario Galaxy (July 14, 2007)
*LittleBigPlanet (July 15, 2007)
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