Level-5 is a video game development studio known for making classics such as Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King, Dark Cloud (and it's sequel, which s often times considered even better), the Professor Layton series, Rouge Galaxy, and the upcoming, highly anticipated Dragon Quest IX for the Nintendo DS.
They're best known for making RPG and puzzle styled games, and made their first full fledged video game with the release of Dark Cloud. The aforementioned game was published by Sony, whom went on record as calling it a Zelda killer. While that obviously didn't come true, it's still a highly notable game that is enjoyed by many.
After making the sequel to Dark Cloud, SquareEnix allowed the company to create the 13th game in the Dragon Quest series, which ended up being a huge success, obtaining three 10s and one 9 from Japanese magazine Famitsu.
Later on, they created more games including Rouge Galaxy and the cult classic Professor Layton series. As already stated, they are currently working on the 14th game in the Dragon Quest series, which will be the first Dragon Quest game (in the main series) to appear on a handheld console.
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